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Q: What land feature would you see on V-shaped contour lines?
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Which geologic feature would most likely be represented by contour lines drawn far apart from one another?

a flat area, such as a feild.

How can contour lines demonstrate the levels of elevation on a map?

Each contour line represents a certain elevation, and the difference in elevation between any two adjacent countour lines is constant. So, for example, if in the map area there were a cone-shaped feature, like a volcano, the shape would be shown as a circle in a circle in a circle in a circle (and so on). The more contour lines you cross along a path, the steeper the climb, and the fewer contour lines you cross on the path, the more level it is.

Why would you avoid a route where map shows contour lines that are very close together?

When contour lines are close together the land is steep

Why can't two contour lines overlap?

One contour can not cross another because a contour is one exact elevation; if it crossed another contour it would show that it is higher than the second contour on one side, but lower on the other side.

Would it always be easy to walk up a slope represented by contour lines that are curved?

It would be easy to walk up a slope represented by contour lines that were widely spaced as this represents a shallow gradient / slope.

What does the surface of a calm lake have in common with a contour line?

Contour lines are used in Topography to show the elevation of the land on a map. When looking at a map the contour lines look very similar to how a calm lake would appear.

Would the contour lines of the grand canyon be spaced out or close together?

The contour lines of the Grand Canyon would likely be spaced closer together due to its steep and rugged terrain. The closer spacing of contour lines indicates a quicker change in elevation, reflecting the dramatic topography of the canyon.

On a topographic map how do you show a steep cliff?

if someone were to make a topographic map they would mostlikly have a bunch a contour lines realy close together because the closer they are together the more steep it i guess they would make close contour lines then make a drop off

How do you draw a contour map?

you would draw contour lines, and include a legend, and some landforms such as rivers, oceans, mountains, valleys... etc

How can you determine whether the contours on a topographic map show a gradual slope?

If the topographic lines are closer together it means that it has a steeper slope grade, if they are farther apart, it means that they have a more relaxed slope grade. There is usually a scale on the map that can tell you in exact measurements of the slope.

How do you find the contour interval on the map?

Notice the pattern around that contour line. Then determine the interval that the surrounding contour lines are increasing or decreasing by. Ex. 50 100 150 200, the contour interval would then be 50

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a?

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gradual slope, while closely spaced lines indicate a steep slope.