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Q: What land features forms with divergent boundaries?
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What land features are associated with the process of orogenesis at divergent boundaries?

Horsts and grabens

What forms when continental plates pull apart at divergent boundaries on land?

On land, this forms a rift valley. When the surface is submerged, it is called seafloor spreading.

What type of land features are found around divergent boundaries?

There are two places that divergent boundaries occur. Under the sea where magma pushes up to form lava ridges and at the divergence at the Red Sea near the Suez canal.

Can volcanoes form along divergent boundaries on land?


At a divergent boundary land is gained or lost?

At a divergent boundary, land is gained. Ocean ridges are prominent at divergent plate boundaries. Ocean ridges are areas of seafloor spreading. Seafloor spreading occurs as upwelling magma rises to the surface. This upwelling magma hardens and forms new seafloor.

What is a place on land where divergent boundaries can be found?


Can volcanoes form along divergent plate boundaries on land?


What landforms are formed at diverging boundaries?

In plate tectonics, divergent boundaries occur when plates pull apart. On land, divergent boundaries form rifts or valleys. More commonly, divergent boundaries in the ocean occur and cause mid-oceanic ridges. Divergent boundaries can also form volcanoes when the plates separate enough to allow molten lava to seep out, harden, and eventually form islands.

What are the 3 main geographical boundaries?

convergent,divergent,and transform boundaries

What land features are formed from a divergent boundary?

Mid-Ocean Ridge if the divergent boundary is underwater.Read more: What_feature_is_formed_in_divergent_boundary

What can divergent boundaries form?

A rift zone on land, a mid ocean ridge under the ocean.

What is it called when 2 plates move away from each other?

mid - ocean ridges, they're caused by divergent boundaries Rifts are also on land, such as the Great Rift Valley in Africa mid - ocean ridges, they're caused by divergent boundaries Rifts are also on land, such as the Great Rift Valley in Africa mid - ocean ridges, they're caused by divergent boundaries Rifts are also on land, such as the Great Rift Valley in Africa