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Q: What landform that best describes forest is?
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The landform that best describes forests?


What landform best describes forests?


Is a forest a landform or not a landform?

no it is not a landform!

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What landform term best describes the African continent as a whole?


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What landforms best describes the Indian subcontinent?

the most or main landform in india is mountains

Is a forest a landform?

yes it is

What land form best describes Italy?

The landform that best describes italy is the Alps. NEW ANSWER Italy is a very large peninsular.

What is the landform that best describes elevated flat land or is most clearly associated with it?

The landform that best describes elevated flat land is a plateau. A plateau is a flat-topped landform elevated above the surrounding area, and it usually covers extensive areas. They are commonly formed by geological processes such as volcanic activity or uplift of the Earth's crust.

What landforms best describes elevated flat land?

Plateau is the landform that best describes elevated flat land. A plateau is a flat-topped landform that is elevated above the surrounding area. It is characterized by its flat or gently sloping surface and is often found at higher altitudes.

Mountain are an example of what kind of landform?

Mountains are a kind of landform. A landform is a term that describes the shape of a natural land feature.