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Q: What landforms are typical int the west indies?
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What is the prototype of printf function?

in stdio.h:extern int printf (const char *fmt, ...);

What happens first int he water cycle?


What is a by-product of Photosynthesis that is released int the atmosphere?


When you are making measurements how should you estimate the last significant digit?

int num = 12345; int lastDigit = num % 10; // = 5

What organelle moves information int the cell?

The cell membrane

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What are the 5 landforms located int eh new western hemisphere?

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What action does a typical user defined signal handler functions perform?

sets a variable: volatile int interrupted= 0; void signal_handler (int signo) { interrupted= signo; }

30 examples of variables?

int n1; int n2; int n3; int n4; int n5; int n6; int n7; int n8; int n9; int n10; int n11; int n12; int n13; int n14; int n15; int n16; int n17; int n18; int n19; int n20; int n21; int n22; int n23; int n24; int n25; int n26; int n27; int n28; int n29; int n30;

What is the name of the major mountain chain of North America?

THere are two, the Rockies in the West and the Appalachians int the East.

How do declare function pointer having two integer parameters and returning integer pointers?

// declare a function int* function(int, int); or int* (function)(int, int); // declare a pointer to a function int* (*pointer_to_function)(int, int);

Get size of int using sizeoff?

printf ("sizeof (int) = %d\n", (int)sizeof (int));

What does the C statement int open parenthesis asterisk f close parenthesis open parenthesis int asterisk close parenthesis declare?

The declaration int (*f) (int*); declares a function pointer named f. The function pointer can be assigned the address of any function that accepts a pointer to int and returns an int. Function pointers can be used to pass functions to functions. Normally we use typedefs to simplify the notation of function pointers: typedef int (*f) (int*); int x (int*); int y (int*); f fp; // declare a function pointer of type f int z = 42; fp = x; // point to the x function fp (&z); // invoke function via pointer fp = y; // point to the y function fp (&z); // invoke function via pointer. A typical usage of function pointers is to provide a predicate for a comparison sort algorithm. This makes it possible for the same sorting algorithm to compare objects using different predicates. For example: typedef bool (*pred) (int, int); // function pointer type named pred void sort (int a[], size_t len, pred func) { // simple shell sort for(int i=len/2; i>0; i=i/2) { for(int j=i; j<len; j++) { for(k=j-i; k>=0; k=k-i) { if( !func (a[k+i], a[k]) // invoke the predicate function { swap (a[k], a[k+i]); } } } } } // Declare predicates... bool less_than (int a, int b) { return a<b); bool greater_than (int a, int b) { return a>b; } int main () { int x[] = {3,5,2,4,1}; sort (x, 5, less_than); // sort array of 5 elements in ascending order sort (x, 5, greater_than); // sort array of 5 elements in descending order return 0; }

C program to find LCMof three integers?

int LCM3 (int a, int b, int c) { return LCM2 (a, LCM2 (b, c)); } int LCM2 (int a, int b) { return a*b/GCD2(a, b); }

C plus plus prog a function sum that returns the sum of all Values in the given array int sum int list int arraySize?

int sum(int list[], int arraySize) { int sum=0; for(int i=0; i<arraySize; ++i ) sum+=list[i]; return(sum); }

What is the difference between function and recursive function?

I will explain in the easiest way the difference between the function and recursive function in C language. Simple Answer is argument of the function is differ but in the recursive function it is same:) Explanation: Function int function(int,int)// function declaration main() { int n; ...... ...... n=function(a,b); } int function(int c,int d) { ...... ...... ...... } recursive Function: int recursive(int,int)// recursive Function declaration main() { int n; ..... ..... ..... ..... n=recursive(a,b); } int recursive(int a,int b) { ..... .... .... .... } Carefully see, In the recursive Function the function arguments are same.

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What is the Difference between normal int and regular int?

Are you sure that these words (normal int and regular int) actually mean something?