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Volcanoes and island arcs

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Q: What landforms do oceanic-oceanic boundaries form?
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What are the three possible tectonic plate combinations at convergent boundaries?

Each of the plates may be oceanic or continental. That gives three possibilities:oceanic - oceanicoceanic - continentalcontinental - continental.

What are three primary types of plate boundaries and what landforms do they cause?

divergentconvergenttransform boundaries

What two landforms are formed far from the plate boundaries?

The two plates are; Indo-Australian Plate subducts and Pacific Plate that form the Puysegur Trench.

What landforms occur on transform boundaries?

Rocks can form rift valleys and mountains.

What causes the changes in the earth's crust?

The earth's crust floats on the mantle. The movement is very slowly. Despite this slowness, over millions of years, this movement has created many of our Earth's landforms. Landforms are created because the plates are moving in different directions. When plates are moving away from each other they form divergent boundaries. Plates that are moving towards one another from convergent boundaries. At some places where plates come together, they crumple and lift to form mountains. Other converging plates form subduction zones . An ocean trench marks the region where a denser plate is forced under ( subducts) a less dense plate . Plates also move in sliding motion past one another to form transform fault boundaries. The motion at these boundaries is more like a grinding and scraping with sudden jolts due to the building up of pressure.

Related questions

What landforms form by transform boundaries?

It creates earthquakes

What landforms form by divergent boundaries?

Rift Valley and Ridges

What type of landforms form at transformed boundaries?

a place that have a lot of earthquakes.

What kind of landforms are formed at transform plate boundaries?

there are many landforms such as volcanoes moutains little islands and trenches may also form at the transformation plate boundaries. i think this is the answer

What types of landforms are found in the ocean like the Atlantic?

Islands are in the Atlantic Ocean; other landforms abut the ocean, but form its boundaries.

What landforms can form independent of plate boundaries?

Continental shelf, abysmal plain, Island

What are the three possible tectonic plate combinations at convergent boundaries?

Each of the plates may be oceanic or continental. That gives three possibilities:oceanic - oceanicoceanic - continentalcontinental - continental.

The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are .?

The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are oceanic ridges.

What are the volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries called?

The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are oceanic ridges.

What are three primary types of plate boundaries and what landforms do they cause?

divergentconvergenttransform boundaries

What landforms are associated with transform boundaries?


What landforms are formed at diverging boundaries?

In plate tectonics, divergent boundaries occur when plates pull apart. On land, divergent boundaries form rifts or valleys. More commonly, divergent boundaries in the ocean occur and cause mid-oceanic ridges. Divergent boundaries can also form volcanoes when the plates separate enough to allow molten lava to seep out, harden, and eventually form islands.