

What language do they speak in New Mexico?

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Kendall Kris

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3y ago

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Q: What language do they speak in New Mexico?
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How many people speak Mexican?

There is no such language. Spanish is the language spoken in Mexico, and some 116 million people in Mexico speak it.

What State with largest percent of persons who speak a language other than English at home?

New Mexico

What language did Pancho Villa speak?

Spanish (Mexico's defacto language, by the way).

What is Mexico's official language'?

Spanish Mexico does not have any official language; spanish is the de facto language of Mexico as nearly all Mexicans speak spanish; but the Mexican government does not require its use.

Why do most of the people in New Mexico speak spanish?

most of the people in New Mexico speak Spanish because a lot of people are from Mexico and people from mexico speak Spanish all the time.

Who person speaks spanish in Mexico?

Most of the citizens of Mexico speak Spanish as their first language. The Spanish language was brought to Mexico in the 16th century.

What language does Ciara Bravo know?

I think she can speak the language from Paris and spanish from Mexico

What do Mexicans speak?

Mexicans primarily speak Spanish as their official language. Indigenous languages are also spoken by some communities throughout Mexico.

What language did the Spaniards speak once they first settled in Mexico?

They spoke Spanish, before and after they settled into Mexico.

What business person speak Spanish in Mexico?

Spanish is the first language of Mexico, so a majority of business people would speak Spanish. Any foreign visitor would probably speak Spanish when conducting business in Mexico.

What is the percentage of people who speak Spanish in Mexico?

92.7% speak Spanish and 5.7% speak Spanish AND some indigenous language (such as Nahuatl or Mayan

Why do Mexicans speak Spanish?

this is a dumb question, why do Americans speak English? Mexico was colonized by Spain, Spain imposed their culture, customs,and language ,henceforth spanish became the official language.