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Q: What language does every one call the musical language?
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Does anyone speak every major language?

No. No one speaks every major language.

Is there a Broadway musical in another language other than English?

no one is sure. trust me I've tried

What language are musical terms written in?

Most, but not all musical terms are written in Italian. For example: Moderato, a word describing a moderate speed at which to play music, is Italian for "moderately". Similarly, Andante, also describing the speed of music, is Italian for "at a walking pace". If you want to see an online musical dictionary, this one: Includes a recording of the proper pronunciation, and is very thorough.

What do you call grandparents that aren't related?

Every one of your first cousins will have at least one and usually two grandparents who are not related to you. The English language does not have a term for this non-relationship. You can call them "my cousin's grandparents" if you need to refer to them.

What does every one call Frankie Jonas?

They call him the Bonus Jonas

What language is found on every continent?

The Indo-European language family is the most widely distributed language family in the world. One or more of its languages is spoken on every continent.

What is a musical piece in which one solo instrument?

An instrument solo in a band is when every one else is quiet but the one instrument that has the solo.

What do you call someone who speaks more than one language?

A person who speaks more than one language is called a polyglot.

The form of call-and-response most typically encountered in any musical style is one in which?

The call is given by the soloist and response by the group

What do we call a person who translates one language to another?

They are called translators.