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Q: What language is the word sauna?
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What language did the word sauna come from?

it comes from Finnish language

Where did the word sauna come from?

It comes from Finnish language

Where does the English word sauna originate from?

Finnish language.

What language was sauna borrowed from?

The word "sauna" was borrowed from Finnish. It is a traditional Finnish steam bath or bathhouse.

What language is the word sauna comes from?

The word "sauna" comes from the Finnish language. It is a traditional Finnish practice of using a room or building to experience dry or wet heat sessions for relaxation and health benefits.

What language does the word sauna came from?

the word sauna comes from Finland, it means; a steamed bath, produced by pouring water over heated rocks. -tianna baker.

What language is the origin of the word sauna?

The word "sauna" originates from Finnish. It is a traditional Finnish practice of taking a steam bath usually in a room heated by rocks.

What country did the word sauna come from?

it comes from the language Finland

What word is pronounced and spelled the same in every language?

"Okay" is a word that is pronounced and spelled the same in many languages around the world.

Where does the term sauna originate from?

Finnish language

Is sauna in Finland?

In Finland, saunas are very popular. More than 50% of households in Finland have a sauna and going to the sauna is something extremely popular in this country. Sometimes Finnish people jump in the freezing ice water and then get into a sauna. Sauna was invented by Finnish-people and the word 'sauna' comes from Finnish-language. The Americans pronounce it S-AH-NAH while the correct Finnish proununciation is S-OW-NUH

What did the word sauna originally?

The word sauna is an ancient Finnish word referring to the traditional Finnish bath as well as to the bathhouse itself.