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the law of definite proportions

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Q: What law does this statement agree with If it doesn't have exactly have one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms its not water?
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no. Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

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How does combining hydrogen and oxygen to create water relate to the law of conservation of mass?

When hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, the total mass of the reactants before the reaction is equal to the total mass of the products after the reaction. This demonstrates the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction, only rearranged.

What exactly are water particles?

particles made up of 2 hydrogen n 1 oxygen

What is the most common molecule in the human body is made of what element?

Oxygen and Hydrogen

What are three elements that are in carbohydrate?

Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen ine the ratio of 1:2:1

What is the quantitative statement?

Quantitative means having numbers and measurements. qualitatitive does not. Qualitative Example: mix hydrogen and oxygen and you get water. Quantitative Example: mix two moles of Hydrogen and one mole of Oxygen to get one mole of water.

Are proteins composed of subunits called fatty acids and glycerol made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen?

That statement is false.

What statement correctly explains the polarity of the water molecule?

Water consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

What do you get when you electrolyse water?

Hydrogen and oxygen are the products of electroysis of water .

Will the energy produced on combustion of hydrogen be more than the energy used for separation of hydrogen from water through electrolysis?

In theory, the energy produced by creating four oxygen-hydrogen bonds after breaking two Oxygen-oxygen and hydrogen-hydrogen bonds in the reaction O2 + 2H2 -> 2H2O (hydrogen combustion in oxygen) is exactly the same than the energy needed to break four oxygen-hydrogen bonds to create two oxygen-oxygen and hydrogen-hydrogen bonds in the reaction 2H2O -> O2 + 2H2 (water electrolysis) However, you will always have great energy loss during electrolysis (an important part of your energy will be used to warm up your water) and in getting back your energy from your oxygen and hydrogen gas (a combustible battery or a motor will warm up too).

Why doesnt oxygen have a subscript in the formula H2O?

The formula H2O indicates that there are two atoms of hydrogen for every atom of oxygen in a molecule of water. You could write it H2O1 but that would be redundant.