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Q: What law says energy cant be created or destroyed?
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What is the priniciple that says energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The Principle of Conservation of Energy.

What The law of conservation of energy says what about series current?

The Law of Conservation of Energy says, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but may change from one form to another."

Which physical law states that energy cannot be destroyed?

That's the law of "Conservation of Energy". It also says that energy cannot be created.

When energy changes form some energy is .?

no it says in the law of conservation of energy, energy can not be created or destroyed only changed, but you may loose energy as a different form but you wont gain any

What law says in chemical change energy is neither created or destroyed?

Scientists call this law the law of conservation of matter

When energy changes form is some energy gained?

no it says in the law of conservation of energy, energy can not be created or destroyed only changed, but you may loose energy as a different form but you wont gain any

Can energy be destroyed when converting from one form of energy to another?

Hmmm. Where do you suppose you got those words ... "energy ... destroyed" ? Could it be from the conservation law that says that energy can't be created or destroyed ? Is there a reason that you can't accept that law as a law ? One more time, read our lips: Energy is never created or destroyed. When it's changed from one form to another, you can never avoid having some of it leak away and no longer be available to you. But it's not destroyed, and it's always pretty easy to understand where the missing energy went.

What scientific law states that charges aren't created or destroyed?

[the law of conservation of energy]Wrong: The law of conservation of energy says that energycannot be created or destroyed. Do not change an answer unless you know the answer.The correct answer is the Law of Conservation of Charge, which states that the net charge of an isolated system remains constant.

Explain the law of conservation of energy says that energy is neither created nor destroyed?

There is not much more to it. There is a quantity, called "energy", that is conserved - that is, it remains constant in a closed system. You can not create energy out of nothing, but you can convert one type of energy into another type of energy.

Is energy created when atoms are destroyed in a chemical reaction?

Atoms are never created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. There are the same number of each type of atom both before and after a chemical reaction. Atoms are never created of destroyed; the molecules are just re-arranged in their bonding with each other.

Where do energy get there energy from?

The law of Conservation of energy says: Energy can not be created, nor destroyed.Well you could be meaning how something gets its energy. It is usually transferred from one object to the next; sense energy cannot be created or destroyed. So a shove or push would transfer energy or a type of heat can too. rubbing and touching are both ways to transfer energy.

The law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is converted to another?

The law of conservation of energy says that energy is neither created nor destroyed only changed. It works hand in hand with the law of conservation of matter, because matter can be converted to energy and vice versa.