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the common dolphin uses there sharp nose to protect them selves

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Q: What laws and efforts have been made to protect the common dolphin?
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Are Dolphin friendly?

Hello?!?!? They protect humans from sharks! It's been proven.

How long has Dolphin cove been in Jamaica?

Dolphin Cove has been in Jamaica since 2001.

What does Apollo's symbol the dolphin mean?

Apollo often appeared as a dolphin or alongside a dolphin in ancient Greek myth. The dolphin has often been used to symbolize virility, and has always been portrayed as helper to humankind.

Which is the rarest dolphin?

The rarest dolphin is the Yangtze River Dolphin. (Baiji) The Baiji or Yangtze River Dolphin has been declared extinct since 2006.

How the American effective have their efforts been so far?

The American efforts have been so good. They have been useless.

What are the names kinds of dolphins?

It may be hard to believe but there are approximately 36 different species of dolphins. There are 32 marine dolphins which live in oceans and salt water habitats and there are 4 river dolphins. If you add in the 6 porpoise species then there are 42 species. Some species of dolphins are bottlenose, white beaked, black, dusky, and Atlantic white-sided.

How much of the city has been uncovered in Pompeii?

About two-thirds of the ancient city of Pompeii has been uncovered through archaeological excavations. There are still ongoing excavations and efforts to preserve and protect the city for future generations.

Why are Ganges river dolphin endangered?

This dolphin is also know as the Pink Dolphin, Amazon River Dolphin and "Bufeo" in Peru. There are many reason this animals is suffering this threat. The main thing is man, and the development that has been brought to the area of the Pink Dolphin's habitat. At one time the native people of the area respected and didn't kill the Pink Dolphin, but with industry and development of the area, new ideas about the environment have been practiced for years now. The Pink Dolphin lost it's reverred status and was hunted for it's skin and fat. Now, it is mainly the gill nets that are killing many dolphins. They have no natural predators, but man. The commerical fishing gear and techinques, such as trawling, gill nets and fishing lines, kill unknown numbers, making conservation efforts truly difficult.

Is it possible for a dolphin to use a prosthetic?

Yes. A dolphin tale prosthetic has been tried out and was fairly effective.

What is opposite gender of bull dolphin?

The opposite of bulls are cows or heifers. Bulls are male, cows are female. The difference between a heifer and a cow is that a cow has been pregnant.

Has there yet been a submarine based on the body shape of the dolphin?

Only personal watercraft submersibles (Innespace's SeaBreacher & Dolphin).

Has there ever been a reported case of a dolphin with rabies?

Dolphin can get rabies. So there should be at least one such case reported.