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Q: What layer of soil contains the most decayed material?
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What is a fertile layer of decayed plant material called?

The Rigolirh, the roots are found in the Bedrock.

Which layer in soil contains the most organic matter?

the layer the contain the richest material is the top soil :)

What layer contains most of are planets ozone?

which layer contains most of earths ozone

What is the atmospheric layer that contains the most ozone?

The layer of atmosphere that contains the maximum ozone is stratopshere. It contains most of the ozone in the form of ozone layer.

What layer contains the most water vapor?

the layer (of the earth) that contains the most water vapor is the troposphere

Which layer of the earth contains the most oxygen?

The troposphere layer contains the most oxygen. Stratosphere contains most of the ozone i.e. a form of oxygen.

What layer of the atmosphere contains the most ozone layer?

Stratosphere is the layer of atmosphere. It contains the ozone layer. Ozone is the blanket on earth.

How does soil form layers?

Soil is made of 3 main layers: topsoil, subsoil and the layer of parent material. The topsoil contains most of the humus (which is a dark organic material of the soil), it is formed from the decay of various organisms The thick layer of soil below topsoil is subsoil, it is lighter in colour in comparison with the topsoil and often contains a lot of clay. Water carries minerals an other materials down into this layer and most tree roots grow down into the subsoil The bottom layer contains large rocks, this is the material from which the soil above is partly formed. The bottom layer is the parent material, these rocks break down into gravel, sand and clay that become part of the subsoil

What contains most of the ozone?

The ozone layer contains most of the ozone. It is present in the stratospheric region.The stratosphere contains most of the ozone.If that's what you were asking...

Do earthworms decompose lions?

No, the diet of earthworms is decayed biological material in soil most of this is from plants not animals.

What most contains ozone?

Stratosphere contains most ozone. It is in the form of ozone layer.

Which layer in the atmosphere contain most of the ozone gas?

See "In what layer of the atmosphere do you find the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.