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Q: What layer of te rainforest do glass frogs live?
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Where do frogs live in the rainforest?

Frogs live in the canopy layer (the third tallest layer) in the rainforest.

Where do gold frogs live in a tropical rainforest?

The Gold frogs live on the canopy layer of the rainforest :)

What layer in a rainforest does a snake live in?

crocodiles probably live in the forest floor

What animals live in the river bank layer of the rainforest?

caterpillers, crocs, fish and frogs all live there.

Describe the three layers of a tropical rainforest including organisms that live in each layer?

The 3 layers of the rainforest are: Emergent, where eagles, butterflies and bats live. Canopy, where snakes, toucans and tree frogs live and the understory layer where jaguars, red-eyed tree frogs and leopards live. There is also the shrub layer.

What layer of the rainforest dofrogs live in?

im pretty sure some frogs live up to the canopy. but most live on the lowest

Why does a rainforest frogs live in the rainforest?

The rainforest has many trees. A desert has few trees. So it's not surprising that tree frogs live in the rainforest.

What layer does the frog live in the rainforest?

Frogs sparsely to live in the understory layer along with jaguars and leopards. Most of the frog population live on the canopy layer along with snakes and toucans. it depends on the type of frog your searching.

What layer do pumas live in the rainforest?

They live on the Forest Floor layer of the rainforest

What weather do rainforest tree frogs live in?

Rainforest frogs live there ,way thay need water and food.

What rainforest plants can frogs live?

Frogs live in plants ? duhhh .

Where do waxy monkey frogs live?

monkey frogs live in rainforest