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Q: What layer of the rain forest does the yellow banded poison dart frog live in?
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Which layer in the rainforest do blue and yellow macaws live in?

Scarlet macaws can be found in the tropical rainforests in the Emergent layer.

What layer of the rainforest does a poison arrow frog live in?

It depends on the frog. Many live on the forest floor near wet areas such as streams, rivers or wetlands. Some also live in the forest canopy.

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Forest floorThe deciduous forest layer that gets the least sunlight is the forest floor.

What is the canopy layer?

the canopy layer is the highest layer of the forest

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The poison Dart frog lives in the understory of a rainforest. i hope this helped you :)

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What are the four layers of the rain forest?

The four layers of the rainforest are the Emergent Layer, the Canopy Layer, the Understory Layer, and the Forest Floor.

What is the layer under the tops of trees in rain forest?

The subterranean layer is the layer under ground :)

What are the four common layers of a rain forest?

The Canopy, The Understory, The Herb Layer or Underbrush, and the Forest Floor.