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Q: What layers must oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through as they exchanged between the blood in the alveolar cappillaries and the air in the alveoli of the lungs?
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Where is the site where Gases are exchanged?

Alveoli are site of gas exchange. Actual diffusion of gases occurs at interstitial space between capillaries and alveolar cells.

What is the small tube between the bronchus and the alveoli?

The alveolar duct

Which substances are exchanged between the blood in the capillaries and the air in the alveoli?

Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water are the substances exchanged between the alveoli (air sacs) and the capillaries in the lungs.

What is intra-alveolar?

Intra-alveolar means between the alveoli. Focal means within a limited area. There are both adjectives and the phrase is missing a noun. (In other words, focal intra-alveolar...what?)

Where in the respiratory system are oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged?

Blood releases carbon dioxide and acquires oxygen, in the lungs. The opposite exchange takes place throughout the body on a cellular level, as each cell consumes oxygen from the blood and releases carbon dioxide into the blood.

What is air sacs within the lungs?

Alveolar means pertaining the the alveolus (plural alveoli), the small air sacs in the lungs.

Which gas law explains why there is much carbon dioxide exchanged between alveoli as there is oxygen exchanged?


What is focal intra-alveolar?

Intra-alveolar means between the alveoli. Focal means within a limited area. There are both adjectives and the phrase is missing a noun. (In other words, focal intra-alveolar...what?)

Where in the human body is o2 and co2 exchanged?

Human gas-exchange occurs in the lungs. Once air enters the lungs, diffusion of O2 and CO2 occurs in the alveoli.

Where does gas exchange occur between the lungs and blood?

An alveolus (plural: alveoli, from Latin alveolus, "little cavity") is an anatomical structure that has the form of a hollow cavity. Found in the lung parenchyma, the pulmonary alveoli are the dead ends of the respiratory tree, which outcrop from either alveolar sacs or alveolar ducts, which are both sites of gas exchange with the blood as well.

What are the structures that allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood?

The tiny air sacs of the lungs were oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged are the alveoli.

When gases are exchanged between the alveoli and blood what body systems are involved?

The respiratory and circulatory systems are involved in the exchange of gases between the alveoli and blood. The alveoli are part of the lungs, and their surrounding capillaries are part of the circulatory system.