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The government was weak under the Articles of Confederation. It gave to much power to the states. Taxes were levied on trade goods between states and each state had differnet laws (ex.slavery). Taxes were not getting to the national government because the states collected them. Also bills could not be passed easily. This all led to the transition of the constitution.

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14y ago

The Continental Congress had absolutely no power. It had simply met for the purpose of presenting a united front to King George III. In order to have a government over all 13 states, the states created a single government, The Articles of Confederation.

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Q: What lead to the passage of the Articles of Confederation?
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What did Articles of Confederation lead to?

Shays' Revolution :)

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Shays Rebellion pointed out the problems in the Articles of Confederation. This lead to the production of the Constitution.

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The only thing it lead to was the United States Constitution.

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Weak describes the Articles of Confederation.

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