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Q: What leader did not promote the new nationalism of the American System?
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Which leader did not promote the nationalism of the American System?

George Washington did not promote the New Nationalism of the American System. He was no longer involved in politics when this happened.

Which leader did not promote the new nationalism of the American System?

George Washington did not promote the New Nationalism of the American System. He was no longer involved in politics when this happened.

What is the facist party?

Political system based on militarism, extreme nationalism, and blind loyalty to the state and its leader. (Hitler)

Is nationalism like propaganda?

No, not really. nationalism is the love of ones country propaganda are the methods and measures of spreading reasons to promote a cause, like commercials during a president election. But, i guess if you love your country, you may want to be the leader or spread reasons how we can make your country better.

Who was the leader of German nationalism?

Adolf Hitler

How did Mohandas Gandhi become a leader?

They Rise Nationalism of Indians

What was Marcus Garvey's contribution to the world?

marcus garvey was a great nation hero because he fought for black people

What is the name of the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British ruled India?

Mahatma Gandhi

A sentence with nationalism?

"Some politicians feel that a strong sense of nationalism is an important quality for any leader."

How did the rise of nationalism and colonialism set the stage for totalitarianism?

Nationalism holds that the state or government is the4 most important entity. As a result, a strong leader, such as a dictator accentuates this form of government. In many cases, the citizens associate the leader with their nationalism, and in many cases allow themselves to be led by a dictator, because they believe doing so is supportive to the state.

What is the name of the famous black leader who promoted black nationalism and was a spokesman for the nation of Islam?

Malcom X

Leader whose political philosophy was based on both nationalism and racism?

Adolf Hitler