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According to the myth, it was an apple which fell on his head while he was sitting under the tree and thinking.

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an apple fell on his head

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Q: What led newton to develop the law of gravitation?
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What studies led Issac Newton to develop the theories that later became the Newton's Law?

I'm not sure but here's a place where you may find the answer;

Galileo's work led to what other break throughs?

It led to Sir Isaac Newton to create "The First Law of Motion."

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Cavendish's famous experiment led to a measured value for G, the universal constant of gravity.

What was sir Isaac newtons law of gravitation and what did his work lead to in the modern world?

Newton's Law of Gravity Theorized that a force existed between two masses that could attract the masses together. This attraction could create an orbiting mass like the earth orbiting the sun and themoon orbiting the earth. This force of gravity operates throughout the universe, thus is called Universal Gravity. It could be said that Newton's Law of Gravitation led to the Modern World. Before Newton's Law of Gravity, Natural Philosophy was a local or cultural opinion. Newton's law of Gravity elevated Natural Philosophy to Science with Universal applicability based on mathematics not opinion. This view gave the Western World an Head start in the development of Science and Technology, that has lasted until present times. Western Nations, rapidly created Royal Academies of Science to exploit science and technology in navigation, ship building and weaponry.

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The Apple Newton, the iPhone and the iPod touch all gave Apple the direction it needed to develop the iPad.

Who helped Isacc newton?

Have you ever saw a picture/animation of an apple falling on a man wearing old fashioned clothing? Well, that's Newton and that's what led him to discovery. We he observed the fall of an apple, he questioned the effect of gravity and asked questions such as: why did it fall? why did it fall straight down and not sideways? This observation, his immense intellectuality, and his curiosity led to his formulations of the three laws of motion.

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Who led the black panthers?

Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seal

Who develop led tv?

Albert aistian

What discovery led Isaac Newton to revise his ideas on the telescope?

I have the slightest idea

What lead emilie du chatelet to her discovery of correcting newton's idea?

Émilie du Châtelet was led to correct Newton's idea on energy conservation through her studies in mathematics and physics, which allowed her to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the principles involved. By combining her analytical skills with her insights into the nature of energy, du Châtelet was able to refine Newton's initial concept and make significant contributions to the field of physics.

When was gravity found?

Gravity (as we know it) was discovered by accident by Isaac Newton when he was sitting under an apple tree, then all of a sudden an apple hit him on the head which he then proposed the theory of Gravity based on what happen and coined, "What goes up, must come down".An apple fell on Newton's head and he somehow drew observations and inferences.