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Q: What led the conservative wing of the Chinese Nationalist Party?
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How long has the US Republican Party been conservative?

US Republican Party became a conservative political party in the 1950s and 1960s as the Democratic Party broke between the northern Democrats, who were more left-wing and became the Democratic Party of today, and the southern Democrats or Dixiecrats, who were much more conservative in their viewpoints, especially on the question of legal equality between Whites and Blacks. As the northern Democrats pushed for expanding welfare programs, the war on drugs, and the Civil Rights Movement, the Republican leadership realized that it could capitalize on the divide between Democrats and capture the Dixiecrat vote by becoming more conservative.

How liberal is the Australian Liberal Party?

From what chat friends in Australia have told me about their politics, the "conservative" politicians there would make Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy look like a Right Wing extremists.

How did the nazi popularity contribute to Hitler becoming chancellor of Germany in 1933?

Until 1934 Germany was a democratic country with a multi-party parliament.Hitler was the elected leader of the NSDAP (the Nazi Party or National Socialist Party of Deutschland)Until 1928 the rightwing nationalist parties suffered from internal competititon. In 1929 a co-ordinating body was set up. In addition the Nazis merged with some of the smaller nationalist groupings. By 1930 they were the second largest right wing party. Their reputation rested on their being the best organised. In the November 1932 elections they were the largest and best organised nationalist party although their vote declined. They campaigned in that election on the slogan "Hitler - our last hope".The right/ nationalist block had a parliamentary majority, and on advice of other nationalist leaders the President appointed Hitler chancellor of a "National Unity" (right wing) cabinet. This created the single party state, and on the Presidents death (Aug. 1934) the office of Chancellor and President was merged in the office of Fuhrer (Leader) which Hitler created for himself.It is open to conclude that Hitler was the beneficiary of the party's popularity, or that the Party benefitted from Hitlers popularity, or the two interacted.

What was the name of the German ruling party?

NSDAP National Socialist German Workers Party. NAZI Party

What is the Tea Party?

The Tea Party is a movement of people who seek fiscal responsibility. TEA is an acronym for "Taxed Enough Already." The movement is generally thought of as made up primarily of people who are conservative and libertarian, but there is a number of liberals and progressive thinkers in it as well. There is a link below.

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Is the progressive party conservative?

The progressive party was a regional interest movement from the West. They held many right wing values, but interests movements are by definition more left wing. They are not connected with today's conservative party.

Conservative party of Canada?

The Conservative Party of Canada is a center-right to right-wing party in Canada that supports traditional Canadian values.

Is japan more conservative or liberal?

Conservative. Though the dominant party is named the liberal-democrats, they are the right-wing majority party of Japan

How did Canada end up with a right-wing prime minister?

The left wing Liberal party was embeddled in scandals and the Conservative Party ran on ethics.

Is the republican the right wing or left wing?

Right wing, Democrats are left wing and liberals are "far left" and the "far right" of the wing is called the Conservatives.

Is a wing apart of the political party?

Sort of, right wing refers to people with Conservative views and left wing refers to people with Liberal views.

Is the republican party the same as the British labor party?

No, the Labour Party is the dominant left-wing party of the United Kingdom. The dominant right-wing party is the Conservative Party - but their political stance is probably closer to the Democratic Party than the Republican Party. European countries tend to be more left-wing than the US.

What is the difference between the Tory party the labor party and the Conservative party in Britain?

The "Tory Party" is a nickname for the Conservative Party, and dates back to before political parties, when conservative members of Parliament were known as the "Tories". The Labour Party is the left wing party, who stand for the working class and believe in more government spending on health, education, infrastructure and benefits, as well as regulation in the economy. The Conservative Party is the right wing party, who stand for the middle class and believe in less government intervention, a free economy, lower taxes and maintaining traditional institutions and values of the United Kingdom.

What section of the U.S. did most of the members of the democratic party's conservative wing come during the 1950?


Is Donald Trump a liberal or conservative?

Donald Trump is generally considered to be a conservative. He championed conservative policies such as tax cuts and deregulation during his presidency. However, he differs from traditional conservatives on certain issues, such as trade and immigration, where he adopted more populist and nationalist positions.

Who is Jean-Marie Le Pen?

Jean-Marie Le Pen is the leader of the French Nationalist Party. He was the runner-up in the 1995 election for the President of France that resulted in Jacques Chirac's second term. The French Nationalist Party is an ultra-nationalist right-wing party in France whose main goals are to "preserve France for the French". He is seen by many as being an "Islamophobe" and a propagator of "Islamophobia".

Who is the prime minister of NZ and what party is he in?

Mr. John Key of the National Party is the prime minister at the moment. (The National Party is the more right wing party - like the Republican in America or Conservative in Britain.)