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* Mercy (Towards the poor and oppressed. They were supposed to be harsh with evil-doers.)
* Humility
* Honor
* Sacrifice
* Fear of God
* Faithfulness
* Courage
* Utmost graciousness and courtesy to ladies

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Q: What led to knights maintaining an honorable code of behavior?
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What is a European code of honorable behavior for knights?

The code of behavior for knights was called the Code of Chivalry. There is a link below to an article that explains it.

What is the knights code of behavior?

The knights code of behavior is call "chivalry."

What responsibilities did knights have in feudal system?

Knights lived by a strong code of behavior called chivalry.

What responsibilities the knights in the feudal system?

Knights lived by a strong code of behavior called chivalry.

What is the code of conduct that was to govern the behavior of all knights?

Chivalry was used by knights as a code of conduct; it is similar to the laws instilled by governmental structures in today's society.

What kinds of behavior did the code of chivalry from knights?

They were to treat the captives as honored guests

What kinds of behavior did the code of chivalry expect from the Knights?

They were to treat the captives as honored guests

What was the code of ethics that knights were to follow?

Originally, there was no code of ethics specifically for knights. During the High Middle Ages, however, the Code of Chivalry was formulated to govern the conduct of knights. It required knights to be honorable, loyal, merciful, and honest. It also required knights to protect people who were poor or unable to protect themselves, especially women and children.

What every knight swore to his king?

Knights swore an oath of fealty to serve and protect their king, to uphold the code of chivalry, to defend the realm, and to be loyal and honorable in all their actions.

What code of conduct did knights follow?

They followed the Knights Code of Chivalry.

What is the medieval knights code of conduct?

The code of conduct for knights is called a Chivalry.

What was the name of the code of conduct for knights?

It was called, "The Code of Chivalry". Knights who broke this code were stripped from their rank and shamed.