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Q: What legal assistance can help the interstate compact transfer of an adult?
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List at least three examples of the kinds of interstate compacts that exist today?

An interstate compact is a compact that exists between two or more states. Three examples would be, the drivers license compact, the interstate commission of adult offender compact, and the education commission.

Can an inmate parole from Michigan to NC?

Transferring to another state while on parole can be done after negotiating with the parole officer and parole board. There is a national board called the Adult Interstate Compact office which seems to organize these transfers. There are typically fees that must be paid to apply for the transfer and then some states charge a monthly fee of $30 to $135 to manage the out of state case.

What is the location of compact bone in an adult's bone?


How do you make a email if your only 9?

ask an adult for assistance

What type of bony tissue makes up up the adult diaphysis?

Compact Bone

A child who is unable to read a picture book independently accomplishes the task with the help of an adult. This assistance will be effective only if the?

Assistance is offered in a warm and gentle manner

Can a 17-year-old student transfer schools without parental consent?

Yes. At 18 you are an adult and can transfer or quit school if you wish. You can also sign contracts, marry, enlist, and make other adult decisions.

What case dealt with the issue of transfer to adult court?

kent v u,s.

Why is the Mayflower Compact important to us today?

The Mayflower Compact is an important piece of American History because it was a step towards self-government in America. The Mayflower Compact stated that the adult males who would settle at Plymouth, not including servants, would have the right to vote on issues. The adult male settlers would gather at town-meetings and would make their own laws through open discussion. This was the first democratic government established in the colonies. The Mayflower Compact stood as a blueprint for other groups who came to settle the Americas. The Mayflower Compact is an extraordinarily important piece of American history because it was the first known document that provided self-government in the Americas.

How is the spongy and compact bone of a chicken different from an adult?

Chicken bones are light, thin and filled with sponge like material and hollow spaces. Human/adult bones are heavy,thicker and full of marrow with no hollow spaces.

When you are young and pregnant what should you do?

Seek advice and assistance from a mature adult or counselling service. They will explain the options available to you where you live.

Can you transfer schools without their parent's consent if you're 18 and married?

Yes, you are an adult at 18. The fact you are married has nothing to do with it.