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"C" whilc sounds like 'sea'.

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Q: What letter of the alphabet Is a body of salty water?
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Which alphabet letter is a part of your body?

The alphabet letter is I. The body part is eye.

Which body of water in egypt has both fresh water and salty water?

The body of water in Egypt that has both fresh and salty water is where the River Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The fresh water from the Nile mixes with the salty Mediterranean water, creating a barrier between the two.

What is the largest body salty water?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest salt water body

What letter of the alphabet is a part of the body?

I (eye)

On the briny what does it mean?

Briny refers to salty water so on the briny would refer to being on a body of salty water.

What is the biggest body of salty water?

The Pacific Ocean.

Why do you want to drink water after a salty meal?

believe it or not salt reduces your water stores in your body. salt absorbs water in your body like salt melts Ice on the side of the street. your body craves water to replace the water absorbed from your salty meal.

What body of water that is so salty that you can not sink?

The Dead Sea.

What body part has the letter world in it?

I do not believe there is a letter "world" in the english alphabet

Why is perspiration salty?

Perspiration is salty because of the excess salt from the body that are secreted as waste. Perspiration is the body's mechanism to get rid of excesses in addition to water.

A large body of salty water?

the great salt lake or the red sea

How were the Utah Salt Flats formed?

It was formed when the ocean or salty body of water evaporated.