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if you want pvp gear, go through dungeons or any type of instances and theres a lot of nifty items that can get dropped in those places. Sometimes, if you have a really high level friend who is willing, he'll just kill everyone and you can take what you need from the instance. but make sure you look up the instance online before you go through it so you know exactly what you need and where to get it

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12y ago

PvP gear has always been aimed at the maximum level, which means:

Level 60 - gear purchasable with honor points in Stormwind/Orgrimmar

Level 70 - gear purchasable with honor points plus arena gear for Tier tokens

Level 80 - gear purchasable with honor points

Level 85 - gear purchasable with honor points and conquest points

Note that while you might be able to buy lesser PvP gear before you've reached the level to use it, you certainly cannot buy the level 85 PvP gear before reaching that level.

The PvP starter kit (blue items) which are made by the crafting professions can be bought at any time, but only equipped at level 85.

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I wouldn't worry too much about your character's gear level until you reach level 85. Up to that point, you can acquire decent gear through quests and regular dungeons. Once you reach level 85, you can acquire better gear by running high-level dungeons and heroics, getting reputation from the various factions, etc. Specific suggestions for your class and spec can be found on the internet. I'd suggest starting at WoW Insider (link below)

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