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Q: What level is a gecko in the rainforest?
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Do Gecko live in the rainforest?


Where does the day gecko live in the rainforest?

They live inthe west side of managascar

Where does the gecko live in the rainforest?

The rocky marginal regions

Why do geckos live in rainforasts?

Not all gecko species come from rainforests. Most gecko species that do live in a rainforest is because the specific species thrives in a humid environment.

What level of the rainforest does a Toco toucan live in?

the canopy part of the tropical rainforest

In which rainforest do geckos live?

It depends what type of geckos you have. You can most likely tell by going on a website that specializes the gecko you want to learn more about. They most likely will tell you which rainforest a gecko lives in. But if you want to learn which rainforest geckos live in, the answer is that all geckos do not live in rainforests. Some live in deserts.

How do geckos get shetter?

Depending on which part of the globe the gecko comes from will determine the type of skin/scales they have. A gecko that comes from the dry arid plains of Africa will typically have a rough body with sharp like edges/ points. Where as a gecko from a rainforest will usually have a softer feel with a velvety body.

What level of the rainforest does a black panther live?

in the second level

What is the heighest level of a rainforest?

the highest level of a rain forest is the sky

What level of the rainforest has the most animal life?

maybe the very top level, the canopy level

What level of the rainforest do spider monkeys live on?

the canopy level or 2nd from the top

What is an example of a second level consumer in the rainforest?

a monkey!!