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Genus is a taxonomic rank that is above species and below family in the classification of organisms. It is used to group species that are closely related and share certain characteristics.

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Q: What level is genus on?
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Homo represents what taxonomic level?

'Homo' is the name of the human Genus.

What groups are the smallest level of classification?

The smallest level of classification in biological taxonomy is species. Organisms within the same species share similar characteristics and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.

Are there more organisms in the genus level that at the order level?

Yes. KPOCFGS Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species.

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Can different animals have the same genus but be in different classes?

No, animals in the same genus belong to the same class. The genus is a taxonomic rank above the species level but below the family level. Animals in the same genus share more similarities than animals in different genera.

How similar are organisms on the kingdom level vs the genus level?

The levels of biological classification are: Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species The closer a level is to species, the more similar its organisms are to each other. Examples of kingdoms include Animalia, which encompasses all animals, and Plantae, which encompasses all plants. Genus, on the other hand, is one level above individual species The genus Panthera includes lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards, and the genus Canis includes wolves, coyotes, and domestic dogs.

What level if classification is the second lowest?

The second lowest is Genus.

What is the 7 level of classification for a whooping crane?
