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The shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture was a key lifestyle change during the Neolithic Revolution that led to the development of cities. Farming allowed people to produce surplus food, which supported larger populations. This concentration of people in one place led to the growth of settlements and eventually the development of cities.

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Q: What lifestyle change during the Neolithic Revolution contributed to the development of cities?
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What was an important effect of the neolithic revolution?

An important effect of the Neolithic Revolution was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, leading to the development of agriculture, animal domestication, and permanent settlements. This shift allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, and the development of complex societies.

What are some inventions of the neolithic Revolution?

Some inventions of the Neolithic Revolution include agriculture, pottery, weaving, and the domestication of animals. These innovations allowed early humans to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities and led to the development of complex societies.

What was a direct result from the neolithic revolution?

One direct result of the Neolithic Revolution was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agricultural communities. This shift led to the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, and the rise of complex societies.

What is a direct result of the neolithic revolution to the people?

One direct result of the Neolithic Revolution was the shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled agricultural way of life. This led to the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, and the rise of complex societies.

Civilizations develop around what in the Neolithic revolution?

Civilizations developed around agriculture and the domestication of plants and animals during the Neolithic revolution. This shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities allowed for the development of complex societies, specialization of labor, and the growth of culture and technology.

Related questions

The Neolithic revolution was characterized by what major innovation?

The Neolithic Revolution was the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to an agrarian lifestyle. Three major characteristics are the development of settled homes, farming and leisure time that led to education and artwork.

What was an important effect of the neolithic revolution?

An important effect of the Neolithic Revolution was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, leading to the development of agriculture, animal domestication, and permanent settlements. This shift allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, and the development of complex societies.

What are some inventions of the neolithic Revolution?

Some inventions of the Neolithic Revolution include agriculture, pottery, weaving, and the domestication of animals. These innovations allowed early humans to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities and led to the development of complex societies.

What was a direct result from the neolithic revolution?

One direct result of the Neolithic Revolution was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agricultural communities. This shift led to the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, and the rise of complex societies.

What is a direct result of the neolithic revolution to the people?

One direct result of the Neolithic Revolution was the shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled agricultural way of life. This led to the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, and the rise of complex societies.

Civilizations develop around what in the Neolithic revolution?

Civilizations developed around agriculture and the domestication of plants and animals during the Neolithic revolution. This shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities allowed for the development of complex societies, specialization of labor, and the growth of culture and technology.

What describes a primary cause of the Neolithic Revolution?

The primary cause of the Neolithic Revolution was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agriculture. This shift was driven by climate changes that allowed for the domestication of plants and animals, leading to the development of permanent settlements and the establishment of farming communities.

The neolithic revolution changed society by providing surplus to what?

The Neolithic Revolution provided a surplus of food by transitioning from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture. This surplus allowed for the development of permanent settlements, division of labor, trade, and the growth of complex societies.

Did the paleolithic age underwent the farming revolution?

No, the Paleolithic Age did not undergo the farming revolution. Farming began during the Neolithic Age, which followed the Paleolithic Age. The Neolithic Age is characterized by the development of agriculture and the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities.

What revolutionary change of the neolithic revolution was the shift?

The shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agriculture was a revolutionary change of the Neolithic Revolution. This shift allowed societies to produce their own food, leading to permanent settlements, population growth, and the development of more complex social structures.

What events launch the neolithic revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution was primarily sparked by the development of agriculture, leading to settled communities, the domestication of plants and animals, and the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to permanent settlements. Additionally, the ability to store surplus food allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, and the development of more complex societies.

Which of these statements represents a fact rather than an opinion that could be used to support an essay about the Neolithic Revolution?

"The Neolithic Revolution marked the transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agricultural communities" is a factual statement that can support an essay about the Neolithic Revolution. This transition led to the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, and the emergence of social structures and complex societies.