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There are several factors that determine how lifestyle effects the possibility of onset of Heart disease.

1, There will inevitably be natural wear and tear of the vital organs, Heart, Kidney, Liver etc. "Life begins at forty" is a cliche of the first millennium "Medical problems begin at forty" should be a new cliche for the 2nd millennium

2, Sedentary life style means that like any muscle the heart will not been maintained properly.

3, Obesity, or being consistently overweight over a number of years adds stress and pressure to the pumping mechanism of the heart. Not to mention the possibility of developing Diabetes, a disease that effects as much as 20% of adults in the western world.

4, Diet has a huge impact on the healthiness of the heart, in particular the consumption of saturated fats and sugars.

5, Smoking. It is proved beyond doubt that even the inhalation of secondary smoke from cigarettes can have a catastrophic effect on the heart.

6, Excessive Alcohol consummation or binge drinking amasses huge pressure on the arteries

7, Stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility and speed up the aging process. Longtime stress can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

7, All of these above compound into a serious attack on the major organs and without doubt at minimum will lead to the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. From then on, unless intercepted Early and treated correctly will inevitably lead on the deterioration of the blood vessels, especially in the kidney, liver, eyes, brain, toes and feet and ultimately the heart.

The solutions are

Stop smoking, moderate your intake of alcohol, control your diet - especially the intake of saturated fats and sugars, consult with your GP or local clinic and have blood pressure checks and ECG's to check the condition of your heart, and blood tests or a glucose tolerance test to check for sugar levels in the blood.

Take regular effective exercise. It doesn't take much to turn the tide, establishing a regular effective exercise regime can have an immediate effect on the well being and condition of the heart and help deal with all the other symptoms above. If you are not used to regular exercise you should check with your GP and consult a sports professional to make sure you are doing the correct effective type of exercise. They will help you to set achievable goals and targets to help you to maintain the regime.

There are many organisations providing information on all of the above points.

You only have to use any search engine to find advice on Heart Disease, Anti Smoking, Diabetes or any other of the topics mentions.

Ultimately Personal Responsibility is the key factor. If you suspect you or your family or friends may be effected by any of the above topics you should seek medical advice from your GP or local Health Clinic.

There are so many sports clubs and activity clubs now. Search your local directory for the best one for you.

I stress, you should seek personal medical advice to understand all of the implications of the above topics.

I am not a health professional, but I am someone who is effected by all of the above and have decided to choose life...

Jim Hannigan

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14y ago
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13y ago

Smoking, lack of excercise, and a diet rich in animal fat each increase the risk of a number of cardiovascular diseases.

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12y ago

not exercising can weaken the heart and cause heart attacks in later life.

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10y ago

There are many good things and bad things that affect a cardiovascular system. A lifestyle including daily exercise and healthy eating would be much better than one that doesn't.

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8y ago

Yes, lifestyle choices are an important factor in the development of some kinds of heart disease. For example, obesity and smoking can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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