

What light is made up of .?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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15y ago

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Light is pure energy in the form of what we call Photons.

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small particles called photons

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Light is made up of?

Light is pure energy and made of Photons

Is light made of color or sun?

light is made up of photons which is electromatic energy

A beam of light is made of?

A beam of light is made of photons, which are massless particles that carry electromagnetic energy. When a light source emits photons, they travel in waves at the speed of light, illuminating their surroundings.

Is sound and light are made up of particles?

No because sound and light are created and you can not create something that is made up of particles

In what state light is made up of particle according to newton?

Newton believed that light is made up of particles, period.

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Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye, while electricity is a flow of electric charge carried by electrons through a conductor. While light can be produced by electricity, they are fundamentally different phenomena.

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What makes up the filament of light bulbs?

Filament of light bulbs are made up of Tungsten.

When Light that appears white or nearly white to humans is made up of?

is made up of all colors of light .

Is light made up of matter?

Light is energy, and energy is not matter.

Are rainbows made up of matter?

no they are made up of light waves. they are energy in the form of light, which has been split up into its different wavelenghts and therefore different colours.

What colors of light made up white light?

Red, green and blue. These colours make up every other colour, though, so you could say that light is made up of all colours.