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A Preident can serve NO more than two terms.

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Q: What limitation did the twenty-second Amendment place on the terms of the presidency?
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Which amendment established the tradition that if a president dies or step down the vice-president takes his place?

The body of the Constitution says that the Vice-president will fill a vacancy in the Presidency. The 25th Amendment allows for a disabled President to be replaced until he can function again.

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no it took place during roosevelts presidency

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The Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution allows the President to appoint a new Vice President if that office becomes vacant. Before this amendment their was procedure in place for Presidential succession but not Vice Presidential succession.

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The 14th amendment to the constitution took place on July 9, 1868.

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He was shot and killed while president so there was no after the presidency since he was dead.

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The U.S. Presidency has been vacated only once since the 1967 ratification of the 25th Amendment. That was on August 9, 1974, when President Richard M. Nixon resigned and Vice President Gerald R. Ford took his place. The first person to become U.S. President after the 25th Amendment was ratified (if that's what you mean) was Richard M. Nixon.

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It took place in Illinois

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The amendment was written in Congress like all the other amendments.