

What limits the power of an optical telescopes?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What limits the power of an optical telescopes?
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Why do single dish radio telescopes have poor resolving power compared to optical telescopes of the same diameter?

Radio telescopes are generally much larger than optical telescopes for two reasons: First, the amount of radio radiation reaching Earth from space is tiny compared with optical wavelengths, so a large collecting area is essential. Second, the long wavelengths of radio waves mean that diffraction severely limits the resolution unless large instruments are used.

How radio telescopes differ from optical telescopes.?

Radio telescopes collect radio waves. Optical telescopes capture visible light waves.

Are optical telescopes much bigger then radio telescopes?

No they are not bigger then radio telescopes at all.

What three properties do optical telescopes have aid astronomers?

1) light-gethering power, 2) resolving power, and 3) magnifying power

What and where are the largest optical telescopes in use today?

The largest optical telescope in use today is the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) located at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory in La Palma, Canary Islands. It has a primary mirror diameter of 10.4 meters (34 feet). Another large optical telescope is the Keck Observatory in Hawaii with two telescopes, each with a primary mirror diameter of 10 meters (33 feet).

Do Optical telescopes have poorer resolution than radio telescopes?

Not necessarily.

How are the telescopes Keck I and Keck II different from radio telescope?

They are optical telescopes.

What kinds of telescopes are used to see stars in visible light?

Optical telescopes.

Are radio telescopes detect objects that optical telescopes cannot?

Yes, that is correct.

How do radio telescope different from optical telescope?

Radio telescopes collect radio waves. Optical telescopes capture visible light waves.

What is catadioptric telescope?

Basically, the catadioptric telescope is just one of the 3 main types of the optical telescopes.The other 2 main types of optical telescopes are the refracting telescopes and the reflecting telescopes.

What other kinds of radiation are detected by telescopes?

Researchers use all of these: -- optical telescopes -- radio telescopes -- x-ray telescopes -- infra-red telescopes -- ultraviolet telescopes