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A latitude is measured in degrees from the equator to the north (or south) pole. I assume that you mean, "What is the line that forms the zero degrees latitude?" The answer is the Equator.

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2d ago

The equator at 0 degrees latitude is the starting point for measuring latitude.

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Q: What line is the starting point for latitude?
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What is the starting point for measuring latitude?

The starting point would be the equator. Lines of latitude run parallel to the equator.

Which line on maps and globes is the starting place for meauring latitude?

The equator is the starting line for measuring lines of latitude

When using latitude and longitude to find places on earth what do you use as your starting point?

The equator is the zero reference line for latitude, and the Prime Meridian is the one for longitude.

Is the equator a line of latitude or longitude?

The equator is the line made up of every point on Earth at zero latitude.

The starting point for measuring latitude is called the what?

For Latitude, the Equator is the zero point. For Longitude, the Prime Meridian at Greenwich UK, is the starting point of zero.

What latitude line circles the globe at widest point?

The longest line of latitude is the equator (0°).

What is a a line of latitude called?

90 degrees. That far north of the equator brings you to the north pole, while that far south of the equator brings you to . . . . . wait for it . . . . . you guessed it . . . . . the south pole.

At what latitude does the equator lie?

The equator is an imaginary line equidistant from the poles, and is the starting point or 0° in latitude.

Do latitude units go east and west?

No. The latitude of a point on Earth is the angle on the surface starting at the equator and measuring north or south to the point of interest. All points on Earth that have the same latitude form a line that displays east-west on a map or globe.

The starting point for measuring latitude is?

the equator

The most northern line of latitude is?

The most northern 'line' of latitude is really a point. 90 degrees latitude north is the north pole.

What is a horizontal line or surface starting with L?
