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Act 1 Scene 5, Betweens lines 46 and 55 (at the end of line it says "For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night"")

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Who knows? Shakespeare doesn't say. Probably she just didn't like like him--that can happen, you know. No, it's not because she is becoming a nun; she isn't. If she were a nun she wouldn't get invited to dinner parties and Romeo wouldn't crash those parties in the hope of seeing her and changing her mind.

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Q: What lines indicate that romeo was not really in love with rosaline?
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Romeo and rosaline?

Rosaline is the girl that Romeo loved before he met Juliet. She is only in the beginning of the play and she is only mentioned; she doesn't actually say anything. Romeo chooses to go to the Capulet's party because he thinks he will see Rosaline there. Except Rosaline doesn't love Romeo back

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Rosaline. The last they heard, she was the one Romeo was after.

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Romeo was supposed to meet Rosaline at the ball, but he ends up meeting Juliet instead and falls in love with her.

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Who teases romeo about rosaline and his love sickness?

Why does Friar Laurence think Romeo was with rosaline after he has been with Juliet?

Friar Lawrence thinks that Romeo has been with Rosaline instead of with Juliet because he doesn't know yet that Romeo has fallen for Juliet and does not love Rosaline any more. Romeo and Rosaline used to be lovers, but now that Romeo has met Juliet, he doen't love Rosaline any longer. Therefore, he assumes that Romeo has been with Rosaline for the night because he doesn't know that they are not in love any more.

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Rosaline's feelings haven't changed at all--she still has no interest in Romeo. Romeo, however, has done a 180 degree turn and now has no interest in Rosaline.

Who teases romeo about rosaline?

Romeo's friends Mercutio and Benvolio tease him about his unrequited love for Rosaline in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." They often mock Romeo for his lovesickness and obsession with Rosaline, which sets the stage for his eventual meeting with Juliet.

Who is rosaline Romeo and Juliet?

Rosaline is Juliet's cousin and Romeo's crush before he sees Juliet. He had a thing for Capulet women.

How is Romeos love for rosaline an infatuation?

he isn't really in love with her, hes in love with her beauty. you can tell this by how quickly he moves on to Juliet and completley forgets about rosaline. the friar even comments at one point that rosaline knew that romeo didnt have true love for her and that is part of the reasons that she didn't love him back. he says something along the lines of "young men love with their eyes and not their hearts" saying that romeo falls in love with womens beauty and not their personalities.

How did Benvolio persuade Romeo to go to the ball?

Benvolio tells Romeo that Rosaline will be there, and Romeo can look at her all he wants when he is there, and he can wallow in his misery at being rejected by Rosaline.

Who is Romeo in love with and the start of the film Romeo and Juliet?


How old was rosaline in romeo and Juliet?

Rosaline Capulet is only fifteen years old. That one makes her only one year younger than Romeo and one year older than her favorite cousin, Juliet.