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The author could use the literary device of time travel, which allows a character to journey backward in time within the narrative. This device can create opportunities for exploring historical events, character development, or altering the course of the story.

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Q: What literary device does an author use to cause a character to travel back in chronological time?
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A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological order of a narrative I just had this question so its right

What are the literary device?

There are so many literary devices, it could take hours to list them all out. Here are a few: - Sympathetic Character - Unsympathetic Character - Flat Character - Round Character - Narrator - Litote - Simile - Metaphor - Imagery

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The literary device used in "exalted to this eminence" is the figure of speech known as hyperbole, which exaggerates or overemphasizes a point for dramatic effect. In this case, it is used to emphasize the elevated status or importance of a character or object.

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Satire is a literary device where an author mocks or ridicules specific people, groups, or societal norms in order to highlight flaws or criticize certain behaviors or attitudes.

Is deus ex machina a literary device?

Yes it is a plot device It is latin for "god out of machine".It is used when the problem/crisis of the story is solved abruptly.Example:A new character coming out of nowhere and ultimately resolving the situation.Generally it is used to criticize the lack of creativity on the part of the author.

Is questioning a literary device?

Questioning can be considered a literary device when used to engage the reader, create suspense, or provoke thought. It can also be a way to convey a character's internal struggles or uncertainty. In poetry, questions can be used to add rhythm and emphasize a theme.

What is literary elements sequence in narrative and allusion?

In a narrative, the sequence of literary elements typically includes setting, character development, plot, conflict, climax, and resolution. Allusion is a literary device where an author refers to a well-known person, place, event, or piece of literature within their own work to enhance meaning or create connections for the reader.

What is the difference between a literary device and a literary element?

A literary device is a specific technique or tool used by writers to create a particular effect in their writing, such as metaphor or foreshadowing. Conversely, a literary element refers to the basic components that make up a work of literature, such as plot, setting, character, theme, and point of view. In essence, literary devices are the techniques employed within these fundamental elements to enhance the overall quality and impact of the writing.