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The literary device you are referring to is called a motif. A motif is a recurring element that has symbolic significance and contributes to the overall theme of a literary work.

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Q: What literary device is A common thread or repeated idea in a piece of writing?
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A unit of alliteration is a sequence of words in which the same first consonant sound is repeated. It is a literary device used for emphasis and to create rhythm and enjoyment in writing.

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Assonance is the literary device used in the phrase "How are you now brown cow", where the similar vowel sounds of the words "now" and "brown" are repeated.

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The literary device used in the phrase "silver stars swirled the swankey sky" is alliteration, due to the repeated consonant sound of "s" in "silver stars swirled".

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This phrase is an example of the literary device alliteration, or repeated consonant sounds.

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Amplification is a rhetorical device where a writer repeats a word or idea for emphasis, often adding more detail or information each time it is repeated. This technique is used to highlight the importance of a concept or to create a sense of building intensity in writing.

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Crumpled is not a literary device in itself, but its use in describing something as crumpled can create vivid imagery or convey emotions effectively through its tactile and visual associations. It can be a powerful descriptive tool in writing.

What literary device in a poem repeatedly uses the same letter or sound at the beginning of words?

Alliteration is a literary device in poetry where the same beginning sound is repeated in adjacent or closely connected words. This technique can create a musical quality in the poem and enhance its overall rhythm and structure.

Is assonance a literary device?

Yes, assonance is a literary device that involves the repetition of vowel sounds within words in close proximity to each other. It is often used in poetry and prose to create musical or rhythmic effects in the writing.

Is personification imagery?

Yes, personification is a type of imagery that gives human qualities to non-human objects or ideas. It is a literary device that helps create vivid and imaginative descriptions in writing.

Where can you type in a literary device and get the answer to it?

You can search for literary devices and their definitions in online resources such as literary websites, online dictionaries, or by using search engines like Google. You can also find information on literary devices in books about writing or literary analysis.

What is the vowel sound that is repeated internally in words in a phrase called?

The repeated vowel sound within words in a phrase is called "assonance." It is a literary device that involves the repetition of similar vowel sounds to create a musical or rhythmic effect in the text.

What is a writers device?

a writers device is also known as literary device. Writers device helps make youre writing more intresting and proffesional. some examples are similes, metaphors, onomanapia, personification, and much more. you should gooogle literary devices and they willl give you a whole lst of those.