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Q: What literary device is this That's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind?
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Which literary device is used in this sentence Thats one small step for man one giant leap for mankind?


What literary device is That's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind.?

Antithesis &lt;3

Which literary device is used in this sentence That's one small leap for man one giant leap for mankind?


Which literary device is used in this sentence That's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind?


What literary device is used in this sentence That's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind?

Antithesis .

Which literary device is used in this sentence That's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind.?


What literary device is used in the sentence That's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind?

The literary device used in this sentence is parallelism, where two phrases have a similar structure for emphasis and rhythm.

What literary device is used in this sentence That's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind by Neil Armstrong?

The literary device used in this sentence is a metaphor. It compares taking a small step to represent a significant achievement for humanity.

What is something important that Lance ASrmstromg said once?

thats one small step for a man one giant leap for mankind

What were the first word neil Armstrong said when he walk on the moon?

They were Thats one small step for man one giant leap for mankind.

What phrase did Neil Armstrong used to always say?

He used to say: "Thats one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind"

What words did the crew of Apollo 11 say?

Neil Armstrong said Thats one small step for man, a giant leap for mankind. Buzz Aldrin said Thats call the kangaroo hop.