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In Chapter 30 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," the author Harper Lee uses symbolism in the mockingbird to represent innocence and purity. She also employs foreshadowing when Scout realizes that Boo Radley has been watching over them, hinting at his role as their protector throughout the story. Additionally, Lee uses irony when Atticus tells Scout that exposing Boo Radley as a hero would be like killing a mockingbird, highlighting the theme of empathy and understanding.

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Q: What literary devices are used in to kill a mockingbird chapter 30?
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Yes, in Chapter 8 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses foreshadowing when Scout says that it was the coldest winter since 1885, hinting at the challenging events to come. Lee also employs symbolism through the snow, representing the darkness that descends upon Maycomb with the news of Tom Robinson's trial.

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Atticus delivers his closing argument in Chapter 20 of the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'

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The word "innate" does not appear in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

What chapter in To Kill a Mockingbird have the word mockingbird?

The word mockingbird is mentioned in Chapter 10 of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." There, Atticus Finch tells his children that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because they only bring joy and music to the world without harming anyone.

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In Chapter 15 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," the mockingbird is symbolic of Tom Robinson, a man unfairly treated by society despite his innocence. Just like the mockingbird, Tom is an innocent and kind individual who is wrongfully targeted and harmed by the prejudiced beliefs of others.