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Q: What lives in the water and has a long nose?
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What lives in water and has a long nose?


What dolphin lives in cold water?

-85 celsius at the lowest

Who live in the water and have long nose?

Dolphins, swordfish, needlenose, there are many.

Frogs that are born in water do they have to stay in it?

Some do. Mine sleeps suctioned to the glass with its nose bearly above water. As long as they are breathing they are ok.

What do you do when nose ring sinks in nose?

Take it out and switch to a wider ring or long bar. Do warm water soaks to reduce the swelling.

The ---has long jumping legs and lives near water?


How long do manatees spend in the water?

Manatees spend their entire lives in water. They do not leave it.

How do you not get water in your nose in the water?

Blow out your nose or do it the hard way: hold your nose. I do it both ways

Please tell you in Ramadan hw you put water in nose if you have fast and if you put water in nose during fast its go up by mistake tell you your fast broke?

it's okay to put water in your nose and blow it out again ... and if it goes up your nose by mistake then it's okay, your fast is not broken as long as it happened by mistake and not intentionally .

How do you prevent running nose when working in cold water?

Your nose runs in the cold because water is a byproduct of the cold air being warmed, the excess run=s down your throat and out your nose, about the only way to stop it ( as long as it isnt caused by allergies or a cold ) is to warm the air before it reached your nose by wearing a scarf or something to cover it. For water, nose plugs might help.

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How long is a nose?

They don't have a nose.