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Q: What living thing s do not communicate using sound wave?
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How do we communicate using waves?

We communicate using sound waves by talking and listening to one another!

Can a lion communicate using sound waves?


What is the advantage of using sound to communicate?

We communicate using sound waves by talking and listening to one another. Sound is an excellent way to express emotions - the volume, pitch, speed, etc., all contribute to the ideas we are communicating.

How is animals able to communicate threw sound waves?

We communicate using sound waves by talking and listening to one another!

How do you explain that a cloud is not a living thing using the 7 characteristics of a living thing?

Cloud is a living thing because it uses up energy and it grows and develops

How does the blue whale communicate?

Blue whales communicate by using low frequency whistles, reaching upto 188 decibels, their sound can travel through many kilometres of ocean.

How do ants talk?

They communicate by talking to each other

How do animals make sound and what do they use it for?

they make sound by using their mouth and diaphragm and they use it for scaring off prey, defending territory, mating and communicating.

How do swordfish communication?

i think they communicate by taking their sword mouth and using it to talk other swordfish

Why did astronauts who did experminets on the moon communicate with each other using walkie talkies even when they were right next to one another?

Sound needs to travel in medium like air, but there is no air in outer space, so sound is unable to travel. So basically sound needs air to travel, if there is no air sound cannot travel, when sound is unable to travel you cannot communicate (talk, speak, etc)

How do some marine animals use sound in water?

yes. eg. whales and dolphins. they communicate by using song waves under the water.

Why english important?

Because it helps you to communicate around the world . Although it is Internationa laguage . The most funny thing is you are using it .