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Q: What lizard do I only need to feed once a day?
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Do horses only need to be feed once a day?

This is one thing that you can do, but they are much more healthy when you feed them twice a day.

How many times a day do you have to feed your moshi monster?

You only have to feed your monster once a day, but I feed it once every 2 days! You need to feed your Moshi Monster often enough to keep it healthy and happy.

Do you feed minnows twice a day?

No, only feed them once a day.

What is a desert food web between a cactus camel insect and lizard?

You need to remove the cactus from the picture as they do not occur naturally in the same desert as a camel. Cacti only occur in the Americas. That leaves only the insect and the lizard. Most lizards feed on insects so that is your entire food web with the organisms you listed.

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Do you really need to feed your moshlings?

No because you only need to feed your monster your monster is the only one you need to worry about on moshi monsters... Your moshlings dont need to worry about.

How often do you feed your pet snake?

It depends on the age and species of the snake ! Baby corn snakes for example (up to a year old) will feed every 4-5 days but an adult of the same species will only need feeding every 10-14 days. A baby Boa will feed once a week, yet an adult Boa will only need to feed every 2-3 months !

How many times a day do you feed an anole?

They only need feeding once a day at the most. They will only eat when they are hungry - and so, may go for long periods without eating.

How many times do you feed the big shark on shark tooth island?

You can feed it all the coconuts you want with the cannon, but it does nothing. You need to feed it a sleeping potion made from three ingredients found on the island. Once the medicine man mixes them for you, you will only feed it one time using the cannon.

What can you feed your Guinea Pig?

any time of the day, but only once a day

How much should I feed my alligator?

Since the fat content of pinky mice is high, you would do well to feed only the adult alligator lizards with pinky mince once in two weeks. In case it is a juvenile, then feed your lizard daily with around five crickets and adults, you can give them around 10 crickets every fourth day.

How many times a day does a male beta eat?

As many times as you feed him. But it is best to only feed once per day.