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The most celebrated use of a site outside Hawaii was for the Season 3 finale, "Though the Looking Glass." Several hospital scenes were shot on the "Grey's Anatomy" set in Los Angeles. A bridge scene also was shot at an L.A. location.

Some Season 4 scenes involving Charles Widmore (played by Alan Dale) were filmed in London because Dale was appearing there in the musical "Spamalot." One of the scenes (from "The Shape of Things to Come") involved Ben Linus' confrontation with Widmore in the millionaire's London penthouse. Another involved Sun Kwon's meeting in London with Widmore ("There's No Place Like Home" Part 2).

Also, in the Season 2 episode "Orientation," the Swan Station orientation film featuring Dr. Marvin Candle (Francois Chau) was shot on the set of "Alias," the ABC espionage series also created by "Lost" executive producer J.J. Abrams.

More information on the series' filming can be found at

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Q: What locations were used outside of Hawaii in the filming of Lost?
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