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Ned Kelly was considered a victim by some due to his disadvantaged background and clashes with law enforcement in colonial Australia. He was seen as a symbol of resistance against perceived injustice and unfair treatment towards the Irish-Australian working class. Kelly's supporters believe he was a victim of circumstances that led to his actions.

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What age was ned kelly when he did his first crime?

Ned Kelly was around 14 years old when he committed his first known crime, which was assaulting a Chinese pig farmer.

Why did ned kelly go on a killing spree?

Ned Kelly's actions were in response to perceived injustices by the police and government towards him and his family. He felt his actions were necessary to seek revenge and stand up for his family and others who were mistreated.

What quotes has Ned Kelly said that makes him look like a villain?

Ned Kelly is often quoted as saying "Such is life," which is often associated with his defiance and acceptance of his fate as a criminal. Additionally, his statement "I will start a war upon the police and settle with the black trackers" reflects his antagonistic attitude towards law enforcement. These quotes contribute to the portrayal of Ned Kelly as a villainous figure in Australian history.

What crimes was Ned Kelly accused of?

Ned Kelly, an Australian outlaw, was accused of several crimes including bank robbery, theft of horses, murder of three policemen, and resisting arrest. Kelly became a folk hero in Australian history for standing up against the authorities and his rebellion against perceived injustice.

Why did Ned Kelly steal from the rich and give to the poor?

Ned Kelly and his gang stole from the rich and gave to the poor because they saw themselves as oppressed by the wealthy landowners and authorities. They felt that by redistributing wealth, they were championing the cause of the common people and seeking justice for the injustices they had suffered.

Related questions

When did Ned Kelly kill his first victim?

Ned Kelly killed his first victim, Constable Lonigan, on 25 October 1878.

What was Ned Kelly's full name?

Ned kelly full name is: Edward Kelly!

When was Ned Kelly's armor made?


Was Ned Kelly a Christian?

Ned Kelly was raised an Irish Catholic. Whether or not that made him a Christian can only be speculated upon.

Is Ned Kelly's real name Edward Ned Kelly?

Ned Kelly's proper name was "Edward Kelly".

What is Ned Kelly's characteristics?

NED KELLY WAS A bushranger

Who was Ned Kelly's bushranger brother?

Ned Kelly's brother Dan was in the Kelly gang.

Is Ned Kelly a famous Australian?

Ned Kelly was a bushranger. He is famous for the armour he had made and wore at the police seige at Glenrowan, in Victoria. He was captured and was hanged in Melbourne.

What was ned KELLY mothers name?

Ned Kelly's mother's name was Ellen Kelly. Ellen's maiden name was Quinn.

Is Dan ned kelly's brother younger than ned kelly or older?

yes dan was older than ned kelly

What are some famous quotes by ned kelly?

quotes about ned kelly

Was ned kelly caught?

Yes, Ned Kelly was caught, and hung.