

What made the Cherokee special in the Trail of Tears?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The amount of people that died during the trip.

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Q: What made the Cherokee special in the Trail of Tears?
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When was Winchester 30-30 Cherokee Trail of Tears rifle made?

1978 , a total of 9000 were produced.

What is Trails of Tears?

The trail of tears is an 800 mile forced march made by the Cherokee from the homeland in Georgia to Indian territory (caused by the Indian removal act.); it resulted in thousands of deaths of the Cherokee

Is the Trail of Tears a famous trail?

Yes, the Trail of Tears is a very famous Trail. Anyone in Grades 5-8 learns about it.Here is the definition I found in the Text book:Trail of Tears (1838-39) an 800 mile forced march made by the Cherokee from their homeland in Georgia to Indian Territory; resulted in the deathsof almost 1/4 of the Cherokee population.So, yes. It's famous alright... :D

What are three important historical events that the Cherokee Indians did?

they made the trail of tears they started crops in oklahoma they were a important part to our world

How many miles were the Cherokees forced to walk?

The long and often fatal journey of these Native American tribes is known as the Trail fo Tears. The Cherokee nation was forced to leave their land and were made to march 1200 miles. Many died from starvation, the cold, and diseases. About 4000 died on the journey

Why was the Dogwood chosen to be Virginia's state flower?

it was because the Cherokee tride lose to live there before the trail of tears happend when the Cherokee tride where forced to leave there land by a tready that was the acctual thing that made them leave.

How are the Indian removal Act and Indian Territory and Trails of tears have in common?

They both had to do with removing the Cherokee from their homes because of wrongful acts towards them. Many of the Cherokee hid and made it through the gruesome Trail of Tears without being caught. But many were unfortunate and brought to there knees in front of the people who disliked them.

What did people do on the Trail of Tears?

The US military, ordered by the President, forcibly removed the Cherokee people from their homes in the Eastern US, and made them move (walking) to Oklahoma. During the movement, about 1/3 of all Cherokee people in the world died.

Who was the president that made the Indians go on the trail of tears?


Who made Indians go on the Trail of Tears?

Andrew jackson

Where did the trail of tears begun and end?

the Cherokee clans were rounded up and put in concentration camps before the journey. most of native Americans were in the apps.-north ga, north and south carolinas, virgina, and parts of tennesee. Along the east side of the United States.

Who made the Cherokees leave their homes and travel on the Trail of Tears?

the government