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This is an odd question as the Germans did not 'back down'.

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Q: What made the Germans back down in the Holocaust againt the Jews?
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How did Americans contribute to the Holocaust?

Germans sent a ship full of German Jew to America and American coast guards ordered them to go back because we only do few to immigrate in our country. 98% of those Jews died in the holocaust.

Did Jews have all their freedoms back after the Holocaust?


Did Jews fight back in a small group or army in the holocaust?

yes _____ There was no Jewish army!

Did the Germans do something to the holocaust?

They were lead by Hitler and through him the German army killed 7 million Jews and another 6 million people. Although not all of the Germans were 'evil' since some were forced to follow along with this and some created protest groups. But back then, it was either follow along, or die.

Who did Roosevelt refuse?

President Frankllin D. Roosevelt refused the Jews from The Holocaust, so they had to go back to Europe and suffer during the Holocaust.

What did the Jewish do to the German during the holocaust?

The impression that Jews did not fight back against the Nazis is a myth. Jews carried out acts of resistance in every country of Europe that the Germans occupied, as well as in satellite states. They even resisted in ghettos, concentration camps and killing centers, under the most harrowing of circumstances.

Did the Holocaust make the surviving Jews better people?

No. This is the first time I have heard this suggestion, and I believe it would puzzle Holocaust survivors. I agree with the above answer, the holocaust was not a child getting spanked. It was massive murder of millions of men, women & children. If your entire family & all you friends had been murdered, would that make you a better person? I think it did make the Jews stronger. During the holocaust, the Jews followed the Germans orders like lambs being lead to slaughter. When the war was over, the Jews realized they were without a real home and most of them decided to go back to the Middle East. There they fought the British and the Palestinians that lead to formation of the State of Israel. If they had not suffered the hardships of the Holocaust, I do not believe Israel would be a nation now.

What impact did the Nuremberg laws have on the Jewish population?

The Nuremberg statute redefined Jews as non-human. Thus, Jews were immediately deprived of all the legal rights that they would otherwise have had as human beings or as German citizens (or citizens of other European nations). Jews became the legal equivalent of vermin, such as rats (to which they were compared by the Nazis). This was the necessary preparation for the Holocaust.

What fraction of Jews were killed during the holocaust to the population of people in the world back then in an estimate?

During this time of the twentieth century, about nine-million Jews were living Europe. When the Holocaust began, deportations of Jews began. In the end, approximately six-million of the nine-million Jews died at the hands of Nazis. In other words, two out of every three Jews were killed by the Nazis by the end of the Holocaust.

When did Jews get their things back during Holocaust?

They never did they just got robbed, forced work, and deaf after they were done doing this they got more jews. For Themselves and it kept on.

What was the punishment for Jews if talked back?

Beatings or death were the punishment of the Jews by the Nazi Germans if they talked back. Some of the women were raped for talking back. Some of them were left out in the cold, starved and then buried (some were still barely alive).

Where did most Jews go during the holocaust?

After the Holocaust most people went back to their homes but instead of finding their homes their neighborhoods were destroyed. So techniquelly there is no answer to this question because we simply don't know unless we were in the holocaust ourselves.