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Q: What made the Jamestown successful when so many colonist fail?
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What made Jamestown successful colony?


What crop made the colony of Jamestown successful?


How did tobacco and crop is help Jamestown?

It flourished and eventually made them grow into a successful colony.

What is important about 1607?

The year 1607 was when the Jamestown settlement began in what became Virginia. It was the first successful permanent settlement in the English New World.

How was tobacco successful in Jamestown?

Tobacco was successful because of the profit it made. It could be sold for a good price to England and the colonists could grow plenty of it due to Jamestown's location (Virginia which has a great climate for growing crops.

Who was sent to save the Jamestown colony?

John Smith was sent from England to help save (rebuild) the James Town Colony. He sent more men to work and because of this, John Smith made Jamestown the First Successful colony.

What made the Puritans more successful than the Jamestown colonists?

The Puritans were more successful than the Jamestown colonists because they had a stronger sense of community and purpose, emphasized agriculture and self-sufficiency, and were able to establish better relations with the Native Americans in the region. Additionally, the Puritans had a more organized and structured settlement plan compared to the profit-driven motivations of the Jamestown colonists.

When was Jamestown made?

Jamestown was made in the early 1700's when the British colonists came to what is now Virginia.

What was reverend Hunt's job at Jamestown?

He was the Preacher at Jamestown, VA. He always made peace.

What product made Jamestown?


What made the colonist to settled?

Roanoke island

What was the first successful English colony in the new England colonies?

It depends on the topic you are looking for. For example, the Southern colonies were most successful in agriculture and made up for the majority of colonial economy. Of course, this is due to the use of African slave labor. On the other hand, the Northern colonies progressed very quickly in politics and industrialization, considering their determination to be self-governing and the opposite of the English monarchy.