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Q: What made the Turkish genocide of the Armenians so atrocious?
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When was the last genocide?

The word genocide was made when there was a "genocide", Genocide is like a war but MUCH MUCH worse. Its when a nationality kills EVERY person from another nationality. The first genocide was 1915-1918. The Turkish killed 1,500, 000 Armenians when the Armenians were innocent. It was the only genocide in history. Some Armenians survived, like my great grandparents. Lets hope nothing bad to the Armenians. Thanks for reading!

Why did the Turks do the Armenian genocide in 1951?

The Armenian Genocide happened in 1915. Armenians lived in their historical homeland for more than 5000 years, had kingdoms, cities, churches and schools. In the 13-14 centuries the Turkish nomad tribes came to the region, invaded the country of Armenians. Later they created the Ottoman Empire, a part of which was Western Armenia. Armenians were the intellectual Elite of the country, they were the richest shopowners, they were poets, politicians, doctors. Armenians were rich and what is more important they were CHRISTIAN, while Turks were Muslim. And there was the "Armenian Problem", where European countries exacted benefits from Turkey by trading on the problems of the Armenian community. This made the Armenians an effective scapegoat to "show" how the European Nations always made Turkey to do their bidding. Thus, the Best explanation is that Taliat Pasha (one of the organizers) gave : If there is no Armenian, there is no Armenian Problem". Armenians as rightful owners of the land were a great threat for Turkish Tyrants.

Why is the Armenian genocide not considered a genocide by some people?

Most people around the world do consider the Armenian genocide to be a genocide. However, there are some opinions that run counter to this mainstream view, especially in Turkey where successive Turkish governments deny it and have jailed those who say otherwise. Turkey has also made declaring the Armenian Genocide to be a genocide to be economically disadvantageous to any nation which openly states it, preventing many nations from coming out against it. The Turkish position, and the position of those who believe similarly, hold that a genocide has two components. The first necessary component of a genocide is the singling out of one or more races for worse treatment than the remainder of the population. This worse treatment must be harsh enough to be considered repressive or oppressive and not merely having fewer rights. Most Turks acknowledge that the Armenians faced incredible hardship during their forced relocations and evictions that would satisfy this requirement. The second necessary component of a genocide is the intent and execution of a plan to eliminate the singled out race from the planet or, barring that, from any territory claimed by the genocidal power. This is where Turks often say that the Armenian case falls short. While Turkish soldiers were unconscionably brutish, belligerent, and murderous, there was never a top-down order or insinuation that the Armenians should be exterminated. The fact that many died was due to the appalling conditions under which the forced relocations and exodus were performed. This view does not acquit Turkey of its actions, but puts it in the same ballpark as the Trail of Tears in the 1820s in the United States: an atrocity that is not quite a genocide. As noted before, this view, namely that the Armenian genocide is not a genocide is a minority view. Most claim that there is sufficient documentation to establish that the Ottoman Empire intended to exterminate the Armenian people (and thus fulfill the second necessary component of a genocide). The massacres that followed were in accordance with those orders.

Why did the Turkish dehuminized the Armenians?

One reason was that Turky felt that they were a threat to them. Turkey thought that they would join up with Russia and fight against them in the war. Also, it was a culture that the Turkish thought would threaten their own.Also because Turkey was jealous of Armenia. After the genocide, they took our land, our foods, and the deaths of many people in Armenia.Also, the Turks were/are a Muslim country, while Armenia was/is a Christian country. If you look up Armenian Genocide, you will get to learn more about it all. It is a terrible story.

How did Armenian Genocide happen?

Answer 1The Armenian Genocide was a mass killing of 1.5 million Armenians starting April 24th, 1915. I know that this actually happened because my great grandmother was in it and survived it, and is alive to this day. People try to deny that it was ever a Genocide, and even deny that it ever happened, especially the Turks. I have proof from my entire family because they experienced it and survived it.Answer 21.5 million Armenians were Massacred in the Ottoman Empire by Turkish soldiers led by a group called the Young Turks. The Young Turk party was led by three brothers, Talaat Pasha, Djemal Pasha, and Enver Pasha. They want ed to create a Pan-Turkic Empire. The marched the Armenians through deserts on Death Marches, raped young women, shot them, burned them alive, starved them, and even bayonet ted pregnant mothers. Turkey denies it's occurrence to this day.

Could anything have been done to prevent the Armenian genocide from happening?

During WW1, Armenians sided with Russia while fighting with Turkey. If this did not happen it might have made the situation better.

How did the people react after the Armenian genocide?

The internation community condemned the genocide. The Allied victors demanded, after the war, that the Ottoman government prosecute the Young Turks occused of wartime crimes. however, nothing was ever really done. Because it was not a genocide but a war. The Armenians had began to attack the Ottoman army and the Ottomans responsed. Besides the war, there were civil killings from both sides. Ottoman Empire hanged many Turks as a punishment. Nothing was done to Armenians who killed civil Turks. They were only banished from Turkish soil.

Do the Turks have anything to do with the Armenian Genocide?

YES. The Young Turks, a nationalist group made up of ethnic Turks within the Ottoman Empire, subjected the Armenians, along with the Pontic Greeks, and Assyrians to a GENOCIDEduring the years of 1915-1917.The genocide was very well-organized. The first group attacked and murdered were the Armenian intellectuals in Istanbul, which were the very people who would be most attached to the Ottoman State and willing to argue against independence in their communities. Next, entire villages were expunged of the majority-Armenian, majority-Greek, and majority-Assyrian inhabitants and the names of the cities completely altered to create "theoretical" Turkish names in a process called Turkification. The Armenians were marched to Deir ez-Zur in the Syrian desert without food and water (the Pontic Greeks and the Assyrians were marched to other places). There were numerous massacres and concentration camps along the route to Deir ez-Zur. Roughly 1.5 million Armenians were killed and over half of the Armenian homeland was depopulated of Armenians.

Why did the Ottoman Empire feel the need to commit genocide against the Armenians?

because they were jealous about how good and smart the armenians were (and still are) so they made a plan to try and exterminate the armenians but couldn't do it. On April 24, 1915, the Turks got all of armenia's intellectuals and put them in a line and shot every single one of them. And, they took them through a desert on a death march and told the village people they were being taken to another place but really they were killing them slowly; if they asked for shoes because there feet were hot on the desert sand, they wood nail horse shoes onto there feet. If all this doesnt point straight to genocide and being straight up cruel, then i don't know what does. Im not saying the armenians didnt kill here and there, but the Turks are the ones who began the genocide on the Armenian people. And whats even worse is that their are proven facts that clearly show the genocide happening and the Turks still wont own up to there ancestors actions. That's just sad.

Does Turkey admit to the Armenian genocide?

No. Turkey has passed legislation banning any open discussion of the Armenian Genocide (part of Article 301) and uses its important diplomatic and economic position to prevent other countries from recognizing the Armenian Genocide. This has resulted in many Turkish diplomatic problems, like EU entry, which is conditioned on Turkey's acceptance of the Armenian Genocide. Failure to recognize the genocide has made it difficult to establish diplomatic relations between Turkey and the modern Republic of Armenia.Please see Editorial: Turkey Must Recognize the Armenian Genocide from 2004 to read more.

Why did the Armenian genocide happen?

The Armenian Genocide is rather controversial, but the majority view is that it was a genocide, as expressed by the Pro-Armenian Views. The minority view, supported by Turkey and academics aligned with Turkey is placed second.Pro-Armenian ViewsAnswer 1There's an excellent book on the history of the Armenians. It's by David Marshall Lang. The title is "The Armenians: A People in Exile" and it was published in London by Allen and Unwin in 1981. Though the book is out of print, it should be available from most major public and academic libraries.If you search the web for information, bear in mind that the Turkish government *denies* the Armenian holocaust and there is a lot of Turkish propaganda online.The story behind the Armenian Holocaust is complex. In all, 1.2-1.5 million Armenians were murdered in 1915-17 and 1919-22. There is a mass of evidence from external sources (American and German, for example) and also in Turkish archives, too!Answer 2The Armenian Genocide happened in 1915. Armenians lived in their historical homeland for more than 5000 years, had kingdoms, cities, churches and schools. In the 13-14 centuries the Turkish nomad tribes came to the region, invaded the country of Armenians. Later they created the Ottoman Empire, a part of which was Western Armenia. Armenians were the intellectual Elite of the country, they were the richest shopowners, they were poets, politicians, doctors. Armenians were rich and what is more important they were CHRISTIAN, while Turkes were Muslim. And there was the Armenian Problem, by which the European Nations always made Turkey to do their bidding. Thus, the Best explaination is that Taliat Pasha (one of the organizers) gave : If there is no Armenian, there is no Armenian Problem". Armenians as rightful owners of the lend were a great threat for Turkish Tyrants.Turkish ViewsAnswer 1There are also an equal number of historical documents that support the fact that the tragedies resulted from armed Armenian revolt. The following quote is from Dr.Justin McCarthy a Professor at the University of Louisville."Conflict between the Turks and the Armenians was not inevitable. The two peoples should have been friends. When World War I began, the Armenians and Turks had been living together for 800 years. The Armenians of Anatolia and Europe had been Ottoman subjects for nearly 400 years. There were problems during those centuries-problems caused especially by those who attacked and ultimately destroyed the Ottoman Empire. Everyone in the Empire suffered, but it was the Turks and other Muslims who suffered most. Judged by all economic and social standards, the Armenians did well under Ottoman rule. By the late nineteenth century, in every Ottoman province the Armenians were better educated and richer than the Muslims. Armenians worked hard, it is true, but their comparative riches were largely due to European and American influence and Ottoman tolerance. European merchants made Ottoman Christians their agents. European merchants gave them their business. European consuls intervened in their behalf. The Armenians benefited from the education given to them, and not to the Turks, by American missionaries.While the lives of the Armenians as a group were improving, Muslims were living through some of the worst suffering experienced in modern history: In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Bosnians were massacred by Serbs, Russians killed and exiled the Circassians, Abkhazians, and Laz, and Turks were killed and expelled from their homelands by Russians, Bulgarians, Greeks, and Serbs. Yet, in the midst of all this Muslim suffering, the political situation of the Ottoman Armenians constantly improved. First, equal rights for Christians and Jews were guaranteed in law. Equal rights increasingly became a reality, as well. Christians took high places in the government. They became ambassadors, treasury officials, even foreign ministers. In many ways, in fact, the rights of Christians became greater than those of the Muslims, because powerful European states intervened in their behalf. The Europeans demanded and received special treatment for Christians. Muslims had no such advantages.That was the environment in which Armenians revolted against the Ottoman Empire-hundreds of years of peace, economic superiority, constantly improving political conditions. This would not seem to be a cause for revolution. Yet the nineteenth century saw the beginning of an Armenian revolution that was to culminate in disaster for both."

How did the genocide occor?

A genocide is when a person or a group of people try to exterminate a whole race or culture. The Hutu's were trying to extermanate the Tutsi's because of their race. That's what made it a genocide.