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Fukushima Daiichi was destroyed by a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) caused by the tsunami which was caused by the earthquake.

The earthquake caused the three operating units (three were operating, two were shutdown, and one was defueled) to automatically shutdown, as designed. Emergency cooling systems started up, also as designed. 41 minutes later, the tsunami occurred, and was much larger than expected, and it incapacitated the emergency diesel generators and damaged most of the emergency cooling system switchgear.

Battery power remained, and partial emergency cooling continued for awhile, but with no way to recharge the batteries, emergency cooling failed.

Even though the reactors were shutdown and not producing full power, there was decay heat caused by mixed fission byproducts, which accounts for about 7% of full power, for a significant period of time after shutdown. This decay heat is sufficient to overheat the fuel and cause damage unless the fuel is constantly cooled.

The same thing applies to the spent fuel stored in the fuel storage rack in the spent fuel pool. Even though not in the reactor, it still has decay heat which must be removed with fuel pool cooling, cooling that was lost when all power was lost. As a result, the spent fuel also overheated and was damaged.

Along the way, the hot zircalloy cladding on the fuel rods generated hydrogen gas in a reaction with water. Hydrogen gas in the nuclear steam cycle is normally removed with hydrogen recombiners, but they were not available. When you add water to hydrogen in a situation like this, it tends to explode, and it did, damaging parts of the building structure. Note that this was not a nuclear explosion, but it still damaged parts of the building and the systems.

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Q: What made the nuclear power plant get destroyed in Japan?
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