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it is because it was a great time of peace in china with many advancements in technology and how it was built up from past dynasty's and became the envy of the world it extended the boundries of china

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Q: What made the tang dynasty the golden age?
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Dyansty after the tang?

The Song Dynasty. Together the Tang and the Song dynasty made up China's "Golden Age."

Why was the tang dynasty considered a golden age?

Because it was the best dynasty

The golden age for Chinese poetry took place during what dynasty?

The Tang dynasty.

Which dynasty is credited with bringing about china's golden age?

In Greek myth, the Golden Age was during the rule of the Titan Kronos.

The dynasty arose from a period of chaos to rule over a Golden Age in China from 618 to 907 CE?

Apex- The tang dynasty Your very welcome :]

China Golden Age?

China's Golden Age was a period between 960 and 1279. This is a period of stunning development in China. The commercial development and the Tang Dynasty took part during this period.

Why is the tang dynasty the golden age of Chinese civilization?

The tang dynasty is considered a golden age of chinese civilization because china spread under the tang dynasty and also because they had great rulers who made china bigger and created law codes,reform of millitary,and land reform policy. They also had Empress Wu-the only female empress ever in china.

Why is the Tang dynasty considered a golden age of Chinese civilizations?

The tang dynasty is considered a golden age of chinese civilization because china spread under the tang dynasty and also because they had great rulers who made china bigger and created law codes,reform of millitary,and land reform policy. They also had Empress Wu-the only female empress ever in china.

Which describes life in China during the rule of the Tang Dynasty?

a golden age of stability and achievement

Why do historians view the Tang dynasty as the Golden Age of Chinese culture?

because im stalking your mom.

How did the invention of printing help make the period from the tang dynasty to the ming dynasty a great age in Chinese literature?

the invention of printing during the tang dynasty made literature more available and popular

What is tang and song?

They were dynasties in China. Together they made up China's "Golden Age."