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Q: What major change in earth climate favorited the evolution of seed plants?
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What major Change In earths climate favored THE evolution Of seed plants

What are your opinions on earth's climate change and how it can affect the evolution of biodiversity?

Climate change could reduce biodiversity by reducing the populations of many different types of plants and animals.

Does Evolution affect climate?

The word "evolution" means "change". The Theory of Evolution is concerned with change among living things, animals and plants. Such change does not affect climate in any significant way. Earth is also evolving. The tectonic plates are moving; volcanic action is changing the face of the Earth, creating new islands, changing the topography. These changes---the evolution of Earth---do affect climate.

What major change in earth's climate favored the evolution of seed plants?

Earth's terrestrial environments colder and/or drier favored the evolution of seeds since seeds can withstand those environments.

How are animals and plants adapted to where they live?

Evolution or change

Which adaptation allowed gymnosperm plants to out-compete spore-bearing plants?

The climatic change at the end of the Carboniferous period, which was a drier and cooler climate, favored the evolution of the first seed plants.

What is the major change in climate that favored the evolution of seedless plants?

Lack of wind and no birds or animals to spread the seeds. The seed plants would not reproduce and the seedless or ones that shoot out roots to create new plants would survive. Good question.

What is a climate change that allowed flowering plants to increase?


How could climate change cause the mammoths to become extinct?

Climate change would cause the types of plants that grew in an area to change. If the plants that mammoths needed for food were replaced by plants that didn't provide enough nutrition, the mammoths would have died out.

Why are plants important for global climate change?

I don't know. you tell me

Is there fear of climate change in the rain forest?

yes, the fear of climate change is very high because of global warming. Climate change is also caused by the pollution on the earth and in the ocean, rivers, and/ or lakes and also streams. Climate change can cause plants and animals to become extinct and die, too.

How did the lives of ancient people change when the climate became warmer?

The plants died and crops