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Q: What major organ in bony fishes is missing from the viscera sharks?
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What is the major inspiratory muscle and what is its antagonists?

The major inpiratory muscle is the diaphragm antagonized by the abdominal viscera.

What are the major breeding grounds for many fishes?

Plants and rocks. Fishes usually give birth in the shallow waters.

How are the three major groups of fishes distinguished?

by there behavior and the way they look

What are the major predators in the Atlantic ocean?

The major predators are the Great White Sharks. These sharks are in the Atlantic Ocean in the the hotter climates. They migrate from place to place according to the temperature.

Which two major groups of fishes evolved from the early jawed fishes and still survive today?

Is this from Biology book? dudee make your own assesments

Which major planet is missing from holst's the planets?

Earth is missing from The Planets by Holst.

What are the three major groups of fishes?

The three major groups of fishes are:Jawless Fishes-have no jaw, but a roundmouth, a tube like body made of cartilage (flexible, like your nose), no scales; have slimy skin. Examples: lamprey and hagfish (google them).Cartilaginous Fishes-skeleton made of cartilage, movable jaws, have scales. Examples: sharks, skates and rays.Bony Fishes-skeleton made of bone, 95% of all fish species, covered by bony scales, have a swim bladder (helps fish keep balance), reproduce by external fertilization called spawning; some species have internal fertilization. Examples: perch, bass, northern pike, salmon, and goldfish.Thanks to SIS for the Life Science notes, taken on Friday, May 21st.-sylvesterrose12

What are three major groups of fishes?

Jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, and bony fish.

Do the San Jose Sharks ever have major Penalties?


Why are sharks on the endangered list?

A major reason is that people will cut off their fins for food. That causes the shark to stop swimming. Sharks have to swim or they will drown. The sharks drown and die.

Does a whale eat sharks and seals?

Killer whales are known to eat sharks and seals. Seals form a major part of their diet.

Do sharks have enmies?

Sharks do not have many natural enemies. Their major predators are whales, as well as humans, and baboons are known to eat their eggs.