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That would be the carotid arteries.

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Q: What major vessels directly supplies the brain with blood?
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Why are there blood vessels around the brain?

The blood vessels around the brain help supply energy for your brain

What body fluid directly supplies the CNS with oxygen and nutrients?

Blood. However, the delivery is slightly different than the rest of the body. In the CNS the blood filtered by the blood-brain barrier that only allows certain essential nutrients and oxygen to pass through.

Does cocain make the blood vessels in your brain contract or expand?

Blood vessels in the brain of a cocaine user will narrow so that means the vessels contract.

What in tobacco constricts blood vessels?

Nicotine is the blood vessels' constrictor. Not all blood vessels, of course, but mainly the peripheral blood vessels, including the brain capillary blood vessels.

The is selective filtering between the cerebral blood vessels and the brain?

the blood-brain barrier

What is the major distribution sequence of vessels of the arterial blood from heart to brain?

WhaT is the major distribution sequence of vessels of the arterial blood from heart to brain

Which of the meninges supplies most of the blood to the brain?

pia materpia materThe membrane that supplies most of the blood to the brain is the pia mater.

What vetebrae serve as passageways for blood vessels leading to the brain?

Transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae serve as passageways for blood vessels leading to the brain.

What is Angiotensin I?

It causes narrowing of the small blood vessels in tissues, resulting in an increase in blood pressure

What are blood vessel size directly and indirectly controlled by?

The vascular system signals for blood vessels to constrict or dilate. The nervous system, such as the spine, and the brain, work together to help blood vessels respond accordingly.

What has the neuron got to do with the brain?

So, neurons are in the blood vessels. blood vessels originate from the brain. So, the main source of the cardiovascular system starts with the brain. Then arteries and veins spread all over the human body. and neurons lie within the vessels.

What is a blood cloth in the vessels leading to the brain?

A blood clot in the vessels leading to the brain is a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), a stroke, or a cerebral thrombosis. Such a clot can block oxygen provision to the brain and cause permanent damage.